CAMPOBASSO. There are 88 new positives on Covid-19 in Molise on Sunday, November 29. These are the contagion cases detected in 762 swabs processed in the last 24 hours. Only one death, in Campobasso, an 85-year-old from the capital. There are also nine more hospitalizations, including one in the ICU.
Here is the distribution of cases: 14 Termoli, 1 Agnone, 6 Bojano, 1 Calvi Risorta (outside the region), 7 Campobasso, 1 Campodipietra, 2 Campomarino, 2 Carovilli, 1 Carpinone, 1 Castel del Giudice, 4 Cerro al Volturno , 2 Civitanova del Sannio, 3 Colle d’Anchise, 3 Ferrazzano, 2 Fornelli, 13 Isernia, 1 Limosano, 1 Macchiagodena, 1 Montaquila, 1 Palata, 4 Pescolanciano, 1 Pietracatella, 1 Pozzilli, 2 Riccia, 1 Roccavivara, 1 Salcito , 1 San Severo (outside the region), 2 Sant’Agapito, 1 Scapoli, 4 Sessano del Molise, 2 Vastogirardi, 1 Venafro.
Few recovered, only 8 certificates: 3 Castelpetroso, 1 Pesche, 2 Larino, 2 Riccia.
Another death covid in Molise is an 85-year-old man from Campobasso who was hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the “Cardarelli” hospital in Campobasso.
The number of people who have died since the beginning of the pandemic reaches 118.
Another 9 new hospitalizations, 8 in the infectious diseases department, are 2 patients from Termoli, 1 from Pescolanciano, 1 from Campodipietra, 1 from Palata, 1 from Campobasso, 1 from Sessano del Molise and 1 from Montenero di Bisaccia.
1 patient from Isernia admitted to the intensive care unit.
There are 5 patients discharged from the infectious diseases ward, 1 from Larino, 2 from Campobasso, 1 from Venafro and 1 from Gallo Matese (Ce).
The Cardarelli hospital in “Campobasso”, a regional covid center, houses 76 patients. 62 in the infectious disease ward and 14 in the intensive care unit.
To date, the municipalities of Molise where there are still positive subjects are 116 out of 136 in the region, compared to 124 where at least one case of Covid-19 infection occurred during the health emergency.
Campobasso with 400 cases still positive.
338 cases of contagion in Isernia.
275 cases follow in Termoli.
95 Venafro
93 Bojano
88 Montaquila.
62 Larino
52 San Martino in Pensilis
46 Castelpetroso
48 Cercemaggiore
43 Sant’Agapito
42 Campomarino
41 Kitchens, Vinchiaturo
34 curly
33 Trivento
32 Civitanova del Sannio, Agnone, Carovilli, Guglionesi
31 Barrel holder
29 Montenero di Bisaccia
28 Pescolanciano, Petacciato
27 Ferrazzano
26 Sessano del Molise
25 Coletorto
24 Oratino.
23 Sesto Campano, Monteroduni, Pietrabbondante.
22 Mirabello Sannitico, Cerro al Volturno
20 peaches
19 Baranello.
18 Frosolone, Macchia D’Isernia
17 Anchise Glue
15 hills in Volturno
14 Capracotta, Gambatesa, Montecilfone, Castel del Giudice.
13 Pozzilli, Miranda, Ripalimosani, Carpinone, Pietracatella.
12 Roccasicura, Busso, Pettoranello del Molise, Campodipietra
11 San Polo Matese, Rotello, Montagano
10 Spinete.
9 Longano, Casalciprano, Santa Croce di Magliano, Cantalupo nel Sannio
8 Macchiagodena, Palata, Matrice, San Giuliano di Puglia.
7 singles, Castropignano, Vastogirardi, Poggio Sannita, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, Lucito, Ururi
6 Santa Maria del Molise, Morrone del Sannio.
5 in Casacalenda, Rionero Sannitico, Petrella Tifernina, Sepino, Acquaviva d’Isernia, Chiauci, Rocchetta al Volturno, Sant’Angelo del Pesco, Castellino del Biferno.
4 Sant’Elia a Pianisi, Guardialfiera, Toro, Montenero Val Cocchiara, Montorio nei Frentani, Campochiaro, Roccavivara, Gildone, Fossalto.
3 in Cercepiccola, Forli del Sannio, Sant’Elena Sannita, Mafalda.
2 San Massimo, San Giovanni in Galdo, Montemitro, Filignano, Montefalcone nel Sannio, San Felice del Molise, Castelmauro, Salcito.
1 case in Roccamandolfi, Conca Casale, San Pietro Avellana, Jelsi, Castel San Vincenzo, Duronia, Ripabottoni, San Biase, Montelongo, Civitacampomarano, Torella del Sannio, Limosano.
19 outside the region: 1 Pagani (Sa), 2 Roma, 2 Celenza Val Fortore (Fg), 1 Poggio Imperiale (Fg), 1 Pecetto Torinese (To), 1 Limena (Pd), 4 Calvi Risorta (Ce), 1 Coseano (Ud), 1 Monteleone di Puglia (Fg), 1 Foggia, 1 Fontegreca (Ce), 1 Gallo Matese (Ce), 1 Sant’Angelo Lodigiano (Lo), 1 San Severo (Fg)
There are currently 2,780 positive cases in the region.
The subjects placed in isolation by Asrem were arrested yesterday at 3146.
These are the data of the Official Gazette of Asrem. The proportion of positive for Covid-19 rises to 4,715 cases compared to 85,198 processed swabs, of which 6667 processed control swabs throughout the period.
The situation of covid-19 patients and those admitted to hospitals and accredited private facilities is as follows:
– 4,715 complete cases in the Region, 2,963 Covid-19 positive in the province of Campobasso, 1,704 in the province of Isernia, and 48 with patients from outside the region.
– 76 hospitalized in the “Cardarelli” center of Campobasso Covid-19 in the Region: 62 in the department of infectious diseases, 47 in the province of Campobasso, 11 in the province of Isernia, 4 outside the region.
14 in the intensive care unit: 10 in the province of Campobasso and 2 in the province of Isernia. 2 from outside the region.
– 0 positive patients in accredited private health establishments.
– 2,646 were positive asymptomatic subjects at home, 1,527 in the Campobasso province, 1,115 in the Isernia province and 4 in other regions.
– 58 asymptomatic patients discharged. 32 from the province of Campobasso and 20 from the province of Isernia, 6 from outside the region. These are the people who recover.
– 1817 the number of certified recovered patients, 1281 in the province of Campobasso, 511 in the province of Isernia and 25 in other regions.
These are patients who, when the symptoms disappear or after the necessary days provided by the Ministry of Health protocol, have performed the control swab and it was negative for Covid-19.
– 118 people have died since the beginning of the emergency, 66 from Campobasso province, 45 from Isernia province and 7 from another region.
– 1735 home visits made by the USCA (Special Continuity Care Units).
637 USCA of Bojano among those positive in home isolation in the province of Campobasso.
527 USCA of Larino in the positives in isolation in the Lower Molise area.
571 USCA of Venafro among those positive in home isolation in the province of Isernia.
There are 3,146 people in isolation and 0 subjects under surveillance throughout the region, these are asymptomatic people who have not yet been tested for Covid-19 but who have been in contact with people who have tested positive.
According to the contagion map provided by Asrem, the cases are located in 127 municipalities of the 136 of the Molise Region, the registered residence of the infected subjects is taken into account and also the guests who tested positive in the Agnone nursing home are attribute to the municipality of residence:
872 Campobasso.
497 Isernia.
461 Termoli.
170 Bojano.
132 Larino.
124 Castelpetroso.
128 Venafro.
103 Montaquila
81 Campomarino, Cercemaggiore
79 Riccia.
78 Coletorto
67 Vinchiaturo.
62 Montenero di Bisaccia
61 San Martino in Pensilis
58 Barrel support.
55 Sant’Agapito, Guglionesi.
53 Agnone
51 Carovilli
50 Ferrazzano
46 stoves.
40 Oratino, Petacciato
38 Civitanova del Sannio
37 Peaches
36 Sesto Campano, Baranello, Trivento.
32 Monteroduni
30 Cerro al Volturno
28 Sessano del Molise, Pescolanciano
27 Colle D’Anchise, Macchia d’Isernia
25 Pietrabbondante
24 Ripalimosani, Colli al Volturno
22 Gambatesa, Mirabello Sannitico
21 Pozzilli, Rotello, Toro
20 Carpinone, Forli del Sannio, Casacalenda.
19 Frosolone.
18 San Polo Matese, Busso, Roccasicura, Cantalupo nel Sannio
17 Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta.
16 Morrone del Sannio, Longano, Spinete, Campodipietra, Macchiagodena.
15 Pietracatella, Palata, Montecilfone, Miranda, Santa Croce di Magliano.
14 Montagano, Castel del Giudice.
13 Pettoranello del Molise, Casalciprano, Poggio Sannita
12 Ururi, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, Campochiaro, Castropignano.
11 Sant’Elia to Pianisi.
10 Montenero Val Cocchiara, Santa Maria del Molise.
9 singles
8 Filignano, San Giuliano di Puglia, Lucito, Matrice.
7 Montorio nei Frentani, Rionero Sannitico, Petrella Tifernina, Vastogirardi
6 Chiauci, Campolieto, Jelsi, Roccamandolfi, Acquaviva d’Isernia, Rocchetta a Volturno, Sepino, Castellino del Biferno.
5 Cercepiccola, Guardialfiera, Sant’Elena Sannita, Sant’Angelo del Pesco, Fossalto.
4 Roccavivara, San Giuliano del Sannio, San Massimo, Bonefro, San Giovanni in Galdo *, Gildone.
3 infections in Salcito, Mafalda, Montefalcone nel Sannio, Duronia, San Pietro Avellana, Macchia Valfortore, Spinete, Castelmauro.
With 2 cases the municipalities of Conca Casale, Bagnoli del Trigno, Castel San Vincenzo, San Felice del Molise, Ripabottoni, Montemitro.
1 case instead for Guardiaregia, Monacilioni, Tavenna, Castelpizzuto, Sant’Angelo Limosano, Pietracupa, San Biase, Montelongo, Civitacampomarano, Torella del Sannio, Limosano.
* One of the cases would not have been confirmed by the second swab.