Another hard day for the epidemic in Trentino: eleven deaths are reported according to the data previously illustrated in the press conference of the president of the province, Maurizio Fugatti.
447 patients are admitted to the hospital, 44 of whom are in intensive care. Yesterday there were 458 hospitalizations and the decrease refers, for 4 units, also to resuscitation. The resignations were 39, the new entries 36. Those cured today are 214, the total amounts to 14,901.
222 new infections were detected with molecular swabs. Of these 222 positives, Fugatti explained, 72 are people who had already been identified with rapid antigenic tests: “We will specify this as of today – the president stressed – based on a specific request in this regard made by the ministry.”
In the background is the controversy on Trentino’s practices regarding rapid tests and data communication in Rome.
On the matter, Fugatti responded to a question saying that Trentino has not communicated the data of the rapid tests “because the government did not ask for them, now they ask for them and we communicate them.”
Regarding the confirmatory molecular test to be carried out immediately after the rapid, in case of positivity, Fugatti cited a ministerial circular of October 30 according to which “It is not necessary to proceed immediately with the second test, just do it within the 10th day. And in Trentino – Fugatti stressed – the person is immediately isolated to guarantee public health. This is essential.
Speaking of rapid tests, Fugatti himself explained that in the last 24 hours with this methodology, 269 new positives were also identified.
And on this subject, Fugatti concluded, it must be remembered that the Regions are moving somewhat in no particular order because at the moment there is no precise regulation on the handling of fast buffers.
“Whoever wrote that article about Messenger will take responsibility for it. For our part, we will see if the ministry asks us something about it. I know our crisis management works and is guided by a high level of professionalism.
Today in the conference with the health minister – added the president – we learned that the international authorities have officially recognized the antigen test, now we will see if the Italian government proceeds with the equalization of the two tests.
Therefore, between positive for the molecular smear (222) and for the antigen test (269) the infections detected today are 491.
In detail, among newly infected, most are followed at home; there are 165 asymptomatic and 279 paucisymptomatic.
Among the guests and operators there are 20 cases that come from various RSAs. There are always many people over 70 years who contract the infection: today the report points to another 98.
There are 4 children under the age of 5, while among school-age children there are 35 new cases (yesterday the quarantined classes had dropped even more, reaching 12)
Fugatti also commented on the alert launched yesterday by the ISS about the situation in Trentino, which remains in the yellow band but should focus on the hospital pressure and the percentage of positive molecular swabs.
This is why Trentino ended up in a high risk zone, it had already happened in the last weeks to enter (report 26 and 27) and leave this area (report 28, 29 and 30), lately we were in the moderate range.
Now we have to see the trend of infections verified with molecular swabs until tomorrow, the last day of the verification period. In any case, this week’s data, which will be the subject of the next evaluation in Rome, is improving, tomorrow’s data is still missing. It is clear that beyond this high zone there would be a slide towards the orange band, so I ask everyone to pay close attention to prevention measures.