Anita symbol of the fight against digital education: “I admire Greta, but I just want to go back to school”



Anita, the 12-year-old student from Turin, who along with her partner Lisa has become the symbol of the fight against distance education, is among the four women leaders of protest movements in Europe.

The European edition of the American newspaper ‘Politico’ writes like this, publishing an interview with the very young woman.

“Tired of studying at home – they write in the motivations – he dressed to protect himself from the cold, grabbed his computer and went to give a lecture in front of his school. What was a personal protest has become a source of inspiration for many students who have done the same across the country.

“I’m happy that politicians are finally starting to listen to us – says Anita – They ask me if I was inspired by Greta Thunberg. I admire her very much, but she did not inspire me. I just want to go back to school. “

The other leaders along with Anita are Assa Traoré, a French activist who created the ‘Justice for Adama’ movement against racism and violence, Olga Kovalkova, the Belarusian woman fighting for democracy in her country, and the pro-abortion Polish feminist. Magda Gorecka.

