Angelo Ciocca, Lega: ‘Covid vaccines? A Lombard is worth more than a Lazio ‘


“It is unthinkable that Lombardy, which has twice the number of inhabitants of Lazio, could receive fewer vaccines, this is territorial patronage. Then we must assess to what extent the economic importance of the territory: Lombardy, in fact, is the engine of the entire Therefore, if a Lombard gets sick, it is worth more than if someone from another part of Italy gets sick “. Angelo Ciocca, MEP of the League, is now a standard bearer of statements with a high index of ‘Padanism’, if you can call it that, and of nationalism when necessary, such as that of Italians cleaner than French and Spanish (“we have bidet “), combined with entertainment of various kinds, including shoes thrown on the counters of the European Parliament and chocolate bars thrown between the counters.

The MEP of the Ciocca League: “The most widespread coronavirus in France and Spain? Italians are cleaner”


This time the objective of his reasoning is the hypothesis of distribution of the anti-Covid vaccines, when they arrive. And the hypothesis, in fact, that Lombardy may have a quantity of vaccines not in accordance with the population compared to Lazio “is possible if someone wants to make a policy on people’s health, if someone thinks of doing territorial patronage”, Ciocca said yesterday in the ‘Black Lombardy’ broadcast by Antenna 3. Statements later reiterated to Radio Capital: “If I have to invest in a fire-fighting system in a company, I update it where the server is, where the human capital it produces is. a question of Lombardy and Lazio, it applies to a European minister or bureaucrat, I say private employees first. However, for me, a Lombard worker, a warehouse worker, an employee, a businessman is more valuable than a Roman minister. I have it with him but only that to get out of this pandemic we have to invest in public debt and then we have to put those who produce in the private world in a position to face the public debt ”.

The champion of provocations Angelo Ciocca and the offensive of the interpreter’s open microphone: “The President of the European Parliament intervenes”


“One Region is rewarded over another because at the democratic level one has one color over another,” Anenna continued 3-. The factors that should lead to the distribution of the vaccine should be the number of inhabitants, a proportion of how many I have inhabitants and how many vaccines. It is unthinkable that Lombardy, which has twice the population of Lazio, could receive fewer vaccines. Then you have to evaluate the economic importance of the territory. Lombardy, in fact, is the engine of everything So if a Lombard gets sick, it is worth more than if someone from another part of Italy gets sick. “And it is to this statement that director Marco Oliva responded with a” ¿¿ Par? “. Ciocca, unperturbed:” Yes, it is a fact. If a Lombard gets sick, economically, as a businessman, he is worth more than a Lazio “, added the MEP.

The yellow of Angelo Ciocca’s graduation, the Northern League with the shoe “against the EU.” Him: “Check the registry”

Oriana Liso

“You cannot do health policy, but you also have to make an economic reasoning for the country because, unfortunately, it is a fact that a Lombard citizen pays more taxes than a Lazio citizen,” Ciocca concluded. Lombardy was the territory. it has been most affected and continues to be the most affected by infections. You put fire extinguishers at your disposal where you have more fires: both because we are numerous, as there are more sick people and infections and last but not least the economic aspect because it is a territory the more difficult it is, the more the whole country pays.
