Angela, pediatrician from Cagliari: “Under stress between discarded tampons and parents screaming on the phone”


It is the “chaos” linked to reports of children with fever, cough or sore throat that prevails in pediatric clinics, including those in Cagliari. Angela Matacena, 67, has been a pediatrician since 1990 and has a study in Pirri: “The increase in phone calls is very stressful, I don’t have time to close a call and another comes immediately. I work morning and afternoon, I don’t have any more hours, ”says the pediatrician. And the large requests, linked precisely to the complaints made to Ats that they did not follow the hyssop, complicate everything further: “It terrifies me when they call me to tell me that a child has a fever, cough or snot. I report promptly, but the Ats often does not do swabs, the mothers call me back even after twenty days. “And spirits are heating up: What can I fill it with? Someone even insulted me and started yelling on the phone because I had reported the son for a small mucus: but I have to follow the law, “Matacena observes.

Which also underlines the shortcomings in the supply of personal protective equipment: “Overalls and masks that were provided to me occasionally, I had to buy them in part. There is a lack of communication between us and public health, there is no possibility of dialogue also because they never answer the phone ”. The pediatrician, for her part, explains that she is now jumping through the hoops to be able to help all her patients: “I don’t have any more hours. I am always available, even on Saturdays and Sundays. And stressed out. “
