Angela Merkel’s appeal to Christmas. For Bild it is his “most emotional” speech. This is what he said (video)


The intensity of the intervention Angela Merkel today at Bundestag was also highlighted by the image, who thus titled the call for the need to reduce contacts: “The speech more emotional of the Chancellor “. voice almost broken, Merkel explained that “if science asks” to anticipate the Holidays, “You have to find a way.” And he stressed that “until Christmas there are still two weeks, 14 days …”, but for now Germany I contagion keep increasing. Today the country reached a new record of dead in a day, 590: numbers that the Chancellor defined as “a unacceptable price“For days, Merkel has been calling for a tightening of the measures, a hard blockade pre and post christmas.
Here is his speech in the German Parliament:

“Christmas is in 14 days. 14 days. And we must do everything possible not to return to exponential growth. The Leopoldina Academy said that during this period we must reduce and avoid all contacts that are not absolutely necessary. As difficult as it is, and I know how much love has gone into setting up the mulled wine and waffle stands, all of this is not compatible with the rule of being able to buy street food just to have it at home. I’m sorry, I’m sorry from the bottom of my heart, but if the price we have to pay is having 590 deaths a day, day by day, that is not acceptable from my point of view.

What will we say in the future, looking back, if we have not been able to find a solution for three days, while a momentous event unfolds?

“And if scientists are practically begging us to reduce contact for a week before we can meet Grandma, Grandpa, Grandparents, and the elderly at Christmas, then perhaps we should consider whether or not we should anticipate.” School holidays begin on December 16 instead of December 19. What will we say in the future, looking back, if we have not been able to find a solution for three days, while a momentous event unfolds? And it may not be fair to give up the duty of going to school, but there will be digital education or something similar. I don’t know, it’s not my area of ​​expertise and I don’t want to interfere. But I want to say that if there are too many contacts now, in the lead up to Christmas, and it turns out that this is the last Christmas that we will spend with our grandparents, then we would have done something wrong. And we cannot allow it ”.
