At the top between Giuseppe Conte, the CTS experts and the majority heads of delegation there was some political tension. According to the indiscretions of the Corriere della Sera, Teresa Bellanova went to the attack of his own government, confirming that it is pulling strongly the air of a crisis. In particular, the minister headed by Matteo Renzi denounced “the insufficiency of the health system” and “the lack of clarity about the vaccination planAll this accompanied by the usual lack of certainty about how the health emergency will be managed in the medium-long term. Furthermore, Bellanova urged the prime minister to bring this government out of the stalemate and proceed immediately with a refreshment law decree, which will be necessary in light of the new restrictions currently on the table. “We must maintain the pact with the categories sanctioned at Christmas,” declared Renzian’s minister according to sources from Italia Viva, “we know perfectly well that the hotel industry was one of the most exposed and affected sectors. Soft drinks must be quantified and guaranteed in the next decree law. And we must opt for adequate supplies for the agri-food system, on which the closure measures and limitations of the restoration channel fall ”.