
Alberto Busacca
A challenge within a challenge. When the polls for administrative elections close, the first thing to do is count the regions. How many in the center on the right? And the Democratic Party? However, regardless of who will be elected governor, to understand the mood at the national level it will also be important to read the results of individual parties. While the League It has long held firmly in first place in all polls, in fact behind Carroccio the positions could change. The crucial point, press hard, is the constant growth of Brothers from Italy, which in recent months would have more than doubled the consensus compared to the 6.44% obtained in the 2019 European Championship.
Giorgia Meloni, speaking yesterday in Mattino Cinque, for once he put aside superstition. With Salvini, he said, there is no challenge. He does not intend to take votes away from Carroccio. “We are not interested in growing at the expense of our allies. We race against our opponents. Every time they ask me if I want to overcome the League, I answer them no. The leader of the Brothers of Italy, however, is not hiding. His party has a clear objective, and it is now within reach: “I want to overcome the Five Star Movement. And we could do it. In a few weeks, if not Monday, two of the top three matches in Italy could be center-right. It would be an important indicator of what citizens want ”.
What seems imminent today, however, was unimaginable until a few months ago. To be understood, the Five Star Movement had taken 32.68% compared to 4.35 for Fdi. Di Maio, in absolute terms, had obtained more than 9 million more votes than Giorgia. But then he went to the government, quickly disappointing all expectations. While Meloni, step by step, focusing everything on the coherence and clarity of the message, began to grow up to around 15% in the latest available surveys. Few decimal places behind the pentastellati, in fact …
And if things go well, the FDI leader hopes that something can also change in Rome. Perhaps thanks to an intervention by the Quirinal, since the majority of Giallorossi do not seem in any way willing to surrender spontaneously. “I’m absolutely sure they’ll try to give a shit even if the center-right wins,” Meloni said. “If these gentlemen had any interest in what the citizens think, they probably wouldn’t be there now.” However, the crux of the matter is “what the president of the republic thinks, which in our legal system is not, as the left would like, a mere notary of the majorities gathered in Parliament, but the guarantor of the Constitution, which in the first article establishes that sovereignty belongs to the people, and that provides for the prompt dissolution of the Chambers as an instrument to be used when there is a sidereal distance between the Italian people and what happens in the Palace.
This is an element that for Giorgia must be taken into account, “all the more so because we are facing a government supported by a majority of parties that won the vote of the citizens claiming that they would fight each other. The Italians, technically, have been deceived ». Of course, therefore, that for Meloni the most important thing next weekend are the administrative elections: “I think the real test of the government is the Regionals.” The referendum inevitably takes a back seat: “A possible victory for the ‘Yes’ cannot be considered a victory for the government and the M5S.” In short, if the voters punished the pentastellati in the regions, let them not try to pass off the parliamentary cut as their big success. Also because, at this point, nobody believes in the fable of the anti-caste grillini …
