
Scary night ad Ancona due to a large fire in the port area. The flames broke out shortly after midnight for reasons yet to be determined. The fire took place in a shed.
San Francisco, the historic pier on fire: hundreds of firefighters at work, the area evacuated
To hold he windows closed as a precaution, pending the results of the Arpam and Asur tests. This is the diktat of the Municipality of Ancona after the fire broke out in the port, in the old area of Tubimar. The city center is still full of smoke.
Big fire at night in the old Tubimar of the port. While awaiting Arpam and Asur analysis, it is advisable to keep the windows closed as a precaution.
– Municipality of Ancona (@ComuneAncona) September 16, 2020
Several teams of firefighters from Ancona, Macerata and Pesaro intervened at the scene with tanker trucks and ladder trucks. Rumbles were also heard. There are no injuries or injuries.
From the fire, which developed in the old area of Tubimar, where various activities take place, a dense column of smoke arose that still remains in the air. The flames would have destroyed some trucks and affected warehouse structures, where solvents, paints and other potentially toxic materials could be found. In the area there is a company that produces liquid nitrogen, a power plant, a methane plant. The fire was limited, but extinguishing operations are still ongoing.
Last updated: 06:22