
Ancona, September 21, 2020 – Two sprouts family one in Ancona and another one Loreto contribute to the increase in infections in the province. am 15 cases registered yesterday in the Ancona area out of a total of 31 counted in the Marks. In Loreto, four people (wife and children) were infected after having been in contact with a man of Albanian origin who has lived in the city for a long time. A totally domestic cluster also in the capital, where the husband and two children of an Italian woman tested positive a few days after the infection for the woman was confirmed.
Mother there are several returns from abroad: In Ostra, a 90-year-old Romanian tested positive when she returned home from the trip to her country of origin, while in Camerano a 53-year-old and a 25-year-old from the same family received communication of the contagion as soon as they returned from Albania. Also on the list is a 10-year-old girl from Falconara: the little girl, of foreign origin but living in the coastal municipality, had returned home a few days after spending a vacation in Romania.
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However, no confirmed cases a fabriano where the six people who had been placed in fiduciary quarantine after participating in an electoral dinner, where there was also a health worker of foreign nationality who tested positive, breathed a sigh of relief. The swabbing carried out on the six people, including a candidate for the regional elections, gave a negative result and therefore the precautionary measure of total isolation was revoked.
But it is precisely in the interior squares destined for the strong public where the attention of the toilets in charge of the controls throughout the regional territory is kept, as the case of a 37-year-old Fano, waiter and cook in a restaurant in that area, shows infected by Covid. But if the increasing number of infections increasingly evident raises an understandable concern about a virus that is still very present in the territory, without a doubt the scenario is more reassuring from a health point of view. Of the 31 cases yesterday, in fact, only two show significant symptoms, while even on the hospital admissions front, we are staying away from the stressful situation of spring. In total, in the Marche region there are 24 people hospitalized in infectious disease wards (out of 2,061 people currently in quarantine), of which two are in intensive care and none are in semi-intensive care.
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