“An unprecedented ferocity” – Libero Quotidiano


The yellow linked to the double murder of Lecce, where the referee Daniele de santis he was brutally murdered along with his girlfriend Eleonora Mantto. In the last hours a news item had circulated, also beaten by Ansa, according to which an interrogation was being carried out at the Public Prosecutor’s Office with a certain “Andrea”, a local kiosk that was given as the main suspect. Instead came the denial: sources from the same Salento prosecutor emerged that there would be no stops, but the researchers would have listened to several people.

Therefore, it is a red herring that of the kiosk, but in the meantime it has been done autopsy on the bodies that “confirmed the ferocity with which the murderer attacked the woman ”. This was reported by the lawyer for the arbitrator’s family, who attended the autopsy. According to investigators, Daniele’s murder was no less violent: he was stabbed after he tried in vain to defend his girlfriend and escape down the stairs, where the killer caught up with him and killed him. To make the story even more disturbing is that, according to some testimonies, Daniele and Eleonora they had moved only that day in the building where they lost their lives.
