An enraged Friedkin prepares the revolution. I’m the first to jump, but the mistake is not his


NEWS LIKE ROME – and Friedkin is furious because of what happened before Verona, the edition of I read (F. Balzani). the Diawara mess cost Rome a defeat at the table, with the Giallorossi who are therefore slipped to the bottom of the ranking. Certainly not the best debut for the new property.

Ora i Friedkin prepare the revolution within the club: first head jump is that of Pantaleo Longo, but according to what is written in today’s edition of The messenger (S. Carina), but on September 14, the day of delivery of the lists, the coach was busy defining Under’s move to Leicester. And he was not present in Verona. Translated: He wasn’t the one who took care of it.

The surveillance of an administrative nature who instead made the list, among other things, he was not the only one. In fact, in addition to Diawara on the original U22 roster that was delivered, there was also Cengiz who turned 23 on July 14.

For this story Longo resigned, but according to what he writes The Republic (M. Pinci), the Friedkins are not enough: they have asked the detailed responsibilities of each coach or official, and they certainly have the team manager Gombar, Zubiria and De Sanctis. Meanwhile in rome also prepares to greet general manager Mauro Baldissoni and the sales manager Bald. First effects of the revolution that Friedkin has planned for the club.

Sources: Leggo / Il Messaggero / La Repubblica
