Either we change the rhythm or we drop everything. Basically, this is the ultimatum released several days ago by Matteo renzi, who has strongly opposed the idea of creating an army of technicians and a task force to manage the Recovery Fund projects. The leader of Italia Viva this week did not allow Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to sleep in peace, who has repeatedly been the target of threats of crisis from the government and lack of support in Parliament. The prime minister was mandated to go to Brussels and got the green light for EU funds, but he really has weeks to go. turbulent– With the majority verification in sight, your chair could definitely jump. He can save himself in only one way: by accepting the requests of the Renzians.
The former secretary of the Democratic Party, who already hit Conte hard in the Senate, reiterated Iv’s intentions: “It is a small party, but we are decisive for the government. If Conte wants little powers As Salvini had asked, I say no. It is a matter of respect for the rules. And in that case we will withdraw support for the government“. Very clear words that go in a very clear direction: if we don’t do what we say, we are ready to unleash a crisis and bring everything down. Italy will be called upon to decide how to spend the 209 billion that will come from Europe, but it seems that a In one night, a technician wanted to choose how to distribute them in the different macro-sectors: “Salvini asked full powers in a bathing suit and with a mojito in hand and Conte, in a suit and tie in an office. I will not accept assignments In exchange for our support, I will not be a minister“.
The threat of the crisis
Renzi – in the telephone interview with The country – The chairman of the Giallorossi Council clearly warned, stating that no date has been set to resolve this rather agitated situation: “It depends on him. You have to stop, apologize, and start overWhat if the executive really fell? The Quirinale already has a plan B: instead of going back to the polls, the Colle would push for a remodeling – even with the vote of confidence – which will be closed in a few days.
The founder of Italia Viva, however, emphasized that if Conte’s chair jumped it cannot be ruled out that in Parliament a new majority can be found. In Italy, the system establishes that the President of the Republic must check if there are numbers in Parliament to create a new government: “And if they are found, it is done. Otherwise, it goes to vote.“. Renzi is convinced that those numbers are there, but he wanted to clarify that his desire is to find the He passed: “I would like the President of the Council to calm down and come to Parliament to change everything“.