among them also an employee


There are nine new cases of Covid 19 in Sambuca di Sicilia. This was announced by the mayor of the Belicino center, Leo Ciaccio. The cases found in one of the most beautiful towns in Sicily amount to 64. The elderly who died in the RSA are also counted among the 64 positive. In the new positives also a municipal employee.

The night of Sambuca di Sicilia

What just happened was a long and heartbreaking night for Sambuca di Sicilia. The Borghi village, which has been declared a red zone, has counted its fourth victim within the RSA.

Covid-19 Outbreak In A Nursing Home, An Operator’s Heartbreaking Appeal: “We Need Doctors And Nurses”

Following Mayor Ciaccio’s appeal, the 118 doctors visited the structure’s operators and elderly guests. After which a long night began for Sambuca di Sicilia. There were several elderly people who came out of the RSA, ambulances lined up and the deafening silence of Sambuca. Mayor Ciaccio, just yesterday, launched another appeal: “Immediately go to the hospital or we run the risk of losing them all.”

A field hospital with covid and intensive care places immediately or another immediate solution for Agrigento “- said the mayor, Lillo Firetto, raising the alarm about the exhaustion of Covid beds in the Agrigento hospital.” Do not miss. one minute. Since the beginning of the year – continues Firetto – I have been asking for the covid center to be opened in Ribera and the Comarca remains deaf to our requests. I spoke in the early hours of the morning with the prefect María Rita Cocciufa who was not yet informed of the dramatic evolution of tonight. He shared with me his fears about the seriousness of the situation. Six seats out of six of the Covid intensive care units at Agrigento hospital were occupied overnight by the most serious patients from the Sambuca di Sicilia RSA, an outbreak of infection. The Region takes immediate action. I spoke to the councilor for health, Razza, the tones were very bright. He told me that “they are working”, the same line that was used in the last meeting in the prefecture. They have been “working” for months and know of a second wave since April. We all know it since April. And every time they tell us that they are being activated. I reiterated that now and immediately we need a field hospital with intensive care. Even if it was only for a single Agrigento that deserves to be treated. I closed the call by declaring my willingness to cooperate fully, but answers are needed. We look forward to hearing your solutions. “121787663_10221304772641878_2035122266824644768_n-3

The intervention of the Asp

“It is difficult to understand the climate of unjustified scaremongering that arises from some statements made in the morning by a single political party, probably intended to exploit for electoral purposes, during the entire course of the voting phase for the election of the mayor of Agrigento, a Certainly serious epidemiological situation, but for which the ASP already has an immediate response plan in the event of a possible resurgence of cases. Furthermore, it is good to reiterate to the city of Agrigento and the entire province that our hospitals have not saturated any hospitalization potential, due to What the declarations do not take into account the real data, the work carried out and unfortunately could generate an unjustified alarm in the population that is precisely the last thing that is needed in a circumstance as serious and delicate as this. that, in the course of a recent meeting with the mayor of Agrigento, the mayor does not have espr These are the same comments on the topic s critics that today stand out with emphasis.

Regarding the situation in Sambuca di Sicilia, for two days there has been tension due to an outbreak in a home for the elderly identified by the epidemiological service of the ASP and related to the Regional Government, which immediately declared the red zone with all measures. of safeguards derived from it for the rest of the population. Yesterday was characterized by the continuous monitoring of the Usca of our Asp, who went on several occasions to the nursing home, in contact with the mayor of Sambuca, to get a precise idea of ​​the clinical status of the guests. In the afternoon, the decision was made to admit people with more pronounced symptoms, and to admit them to intensive care for greater prudence, given their age and the multiple pathology they presented. It should be noted that none of them had or need to be intubated. Admissions were obviously made routinely, through 118, which always assigns patients based on their clinical condition and availability of places. The province of Agrigento has 4 intensive care beds in Sciacca and 6 in Agrigento; It can be hypothesized that the urgent choice was to hospitalize them in a single hospital to facilitate organization and care. The ASP is in the condition, and deems it necessary to do so this morning, to help the six intensive care patients at the two hospitals in Sciacca and Agrigento, in order to make each hospital available for future emergencies. Our Asp on contributions from the Regional Government has already prepared an emergency plan for the bed plan for covid patients that contemplates a constant and progressive implementation of the beds, the strengthening of the USCA in the area, while our USCA is already active for the schools for ten days, as well as 24-hour assistance for all calls for suspected covid cases.

Obviously, this is ordinary programming, if the situation were to rush we can go further. However, for greater peace of mind for citizens, we believe that it is a duty to guarantee adequate assistance to “non-covid” patients and to be prepared to respond to the pandemic whenever and wherever it occurs. I conclude with two important clarifications: the works in Ribera have already started and have been delayed mainly caused by a judicial seizure of technological systems in the same hospital. We plan to have everything ready in a month, having 10 intensive care beds and 10 sub-intensive beds. Subsequently, work will continue on ordinary beds – 40 more beds – and for the infectious diseases department, for which a resolution was made to identify the necessary personnel. According to yesterday’s agreements, patients who will be admitted to intensive care, as soon as the clinical conditions of “non-seriousness” are confirmed, will be transferred to the 8 ordinary admissions beds of Covid in Sciacca, already active, and therefore our hospitals in a position to be prepared to receive any new emergency. Finally, reiterating that our medical care is working with self-denial, sacrifice and professionalism to face the pandemic, nothing is being overlooked, we are working in line with the Department, Prefecture, Mayors and Institutions. The recommendation that we have made in all offices, institutional and otherwise, is that we should all strive to better inform the population, promote prevention and correct lifestyles and relationships, but it is absolutely necessary to avoid generating alarmism that, in addition to unjustified, they generate panic, they generate fear and therefore, in the last resort, they do not help in anything neither to the citizens nor to the institutions to better face the complexity of the moment that we live ”.

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Updated at 15:30
