NEW YORK “What we are witnessing – explains to me Gay talese It is an extraordinary test of democracy, but also a tragedy ”. The writer is locked in his bunker, which is the basement of the townhouse where he lives on Park Avenue, where he writes every day until six in the afternoon, without television or telephone.
Why are you talking about tragedy?
Let’s start with the positive: it is a great moment of civilization. The electorate has responded en masse like never before in American history and has freely and democratically chosen a winner. Joke of JFK: “The bad in our country can always be solved with the beautiful.” Obviously now it is to be expected that, once the vote count is finished, Trump understands that his moment is over and accepts the verdict. The tragedy is mainly his: he does not seem capable of understanding this simple democratic truth, it is not in his DNA. Yesterday’s press conference is very serious from a subversive point of view, but it is also a sign of the tragedy of a man who lives in his illusions and does not accept the idea of having reached the end of the trip. It is also a tragedy for his constituents, who have continued to support him en masse, giving him almost messianic powers, especially after his recovery from the Covid: that world, largely uneducated and full of rancor, does not even want to dialogue with the new president and sadly I doubt I can tune in to them. It is finally a tragedy for the media world ”.
What do you mean?
“First of all, there is one more proof of the minimal influence of the media with respect to the electoral result: if we took into account the support of the press, Biden would have had to win by storm. There is a second element: For many newspapers, Trump represented manna from heaven. Only in New York Times there were at least six journalists covering the president: now what will they write about? Certainly not decent Sleepy joe that won’t keep anyone awake. The joke of Nixon when he retired after his defeat in the California gubernatorial election: “You will have no more Nixon to kick.”
His seems like a very benign attitude: Trump has distinguished himself by indefensible attitudes.
“I am not defending it at all. The only talent that I attribute to him is an impressive energy and knowing how to interpret a world abandoned by the rest of politics. But I say that with the exception of Fox News, I don’t remember such a negative attitude towards someone from the days of Eichmann. Trump represented a vulgar, violent and degenerate exasperation of the struggle against political correctness that has suffocated this country for the last thirty years: he managed to transform ignorance into force and take over the Republican Party by pushing it to extreme positions and degrading the most interesting examples on the right. Here is another tragedy that conservatives are victims of. “
Trump refuses to admit defeat, risking creating a serious institutional crisis – McCain’s beautiful concession speech when Obama was elected is circulating everywhere.
“That is an outdated world to be re-founded and that no longer even has a leader: don’t forget that the old party establishment supported Biden, starting with Bush, Powell and Romney.”
Why are you skeptical of Biden?
“Because he is in a country torn and impoverished and I doubt that he can do much even in a matter of age: in eight years Obama has not even managed to close Guantanamo.”