Donald trump close the skies of United States to Russian planes. A sensational break with Vladimir Putin, started some time ago, but also a warning to the China and a form of “scorched earth” around his successor in the White House Joe biden, suspicion Print. The outgoing president ratified the United States’ departure from Open skies, the treaty that since 2002 allowed the US, Russia and other member countries to fly over their respective territories without incurring offensive actions of various kinds.
That the Cold War has in some way returned is attested by Trump’s similar decision to exit two treaties, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (which closed the era of euromissili) and the New Start (which limited US and Russian strategic (atomic) offensive weapons). It is, accuses the former Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev, of the “dismantling of the international security system.” For Mike Pompeo, however, “America is now safer”