America, Coronavirus, case boom. Now the Goretti shakeup


We barely had time to close the week with the three largest daily peaks in cases in our province since the start of the pandemic – 78 Tuesday, 64 Saturday, 75 Sunday – and another that promises even worse has started immediately. opened with an absolute record of 81 positives in 24 hours: 21 in Aprilia, 15 in Latina, 7 each in Cori, Terracina and Minturno, 6 in Roccagorga, 5 in Cisterna, 4 in Formia, 2 each in Pontinia, Sermoneta and Sonnino, 1 each between Sabaudia, Sezze and Gaeta. The 42nd death since the start of the health emergency was added to complete the grim scenario: an 85-year-old patient from Terracina who would have arrived at the hospital in critical condition. The big picture now sees 2,085 cases; 36.24 prevalence; 761 recovered; 42 deceased; 1,282 positive of which 1,171 attended at home (111 hospitalized Pontines).

And after a morning of fire and protests at the Goretti hospital in Latina by a dozen ambulances, with positive people on board, which increased with the passing of the hours in front of the secondary access ramp to the emergency room, the internal indications of the director of the hospital network Sergio Parrocchia, and the director of health of the company Giuseppe Visconti, which will be taken urgently after the sudden resurgence of the epidemic. The main point is the activation in Goretti of an additional Covid department on the 4th floor with a multidisciplinary medical team from the Department of the Medical Area and healthcare resources of the Health Professions of the UOC. The reorganization plan will also contemplate the necessary internal reorganizations with the transfer of the activities of Urology – a department on the 2nd floor that was already dedicated to Covid – and Otorhinolaryngology in the Terracina hospital, including the relative operational sessions of the anesthesia-resuscitation units . As well as the transfer of medical patients necessary for the conversion of Covid beds in the Terracina and Fondi hospitals and in the Icot Pavilion. In Formia, however, the transfer of intensive care-resuscitation patients necessary for the availability of the Covid del Goretti intensive beds will be facilitated. The reconversion of the Covid Medina emergency will also be carried out in the garrison of the capital through the reorganization of assistance to subintensive non-Covid patients in the medical area and in the Neurovascular Treatment Unit in Neurosurgery. The hospital management’s agenda also includes discharge and taking over the appropriate “territorial care settings”, particularly in Cori and Sezze, as well as the suspension of scheduled medical and surgical hospitalizations, with the exception of classes ” A “and non-deferrable oncohematological.
The Goretti, therefore, is returning a kind of Covid Hub, as in the times of the regional blockade, to manage the new expansion of the virus.
Meanwhile, today in Piazza della Stazione in Giulianello (Cori) a rapid test unit will be installed in which students and school staff quarantined will perform the swab.
