the latest news about Alitalia were leaked at the last hearing in the Hall of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Paola de Micheli.
The latter tried to clarify the panorama of the airline, despite the absence of fundamental details such as those related to schedules, personnel, routes and the number of aircraft.
Alitalia, latest news: newco imminent, will safeguard employment
The newco, the minister told the House, is “substantially imminent.” Details in this regard, however, will become official only after the presentation of the plan, which must take place within 30 days of incorporation. It will be ambitious.
At the moment, however, there is no news on the number of aircraft, the routes and on the staff, even if from this last point of view De Micheli tried to reassure him. According to him, the new Alitalia should:
“Prepare and implement development projects capable of ensuring competitiveness, through new alliances and alliances and safeguarding employment levels”.
The more equipped the newco is with new aircraft, the more likely it is to travel more routes and call in personnel.
Five-year plan, the state won’t be there forever
The plan for the new Alitalia will cover a period of 5 years and will have the task of balancing medium and long trips, as well as renewing the fleet, for an operational saving of 40%, according to the minister.
Furthermore, the presence of the state will not be eternal.
“We believe that once the initial phase of the industrial plan is completed, the conditions will be in place to access the airline market and the possibility of building alliances and synergies with industrial and commercial partners “.
The details about the new Alitalia, however, did not go any further. For him features the newco will have to wait a little longer.