“Amazing time hard to achieve”


In Campania The situation is similar to that of Lazio: the transport problem, although partially improved, persists and is aggravated by the chills imposed by the prefectures and by the constant displacement. In Irpinia, Benevento and the province of Salerno, 40% of the students travel hours to go to school“.

To tell Adnkronos what it is Francesco De Rosa, President National Association of Presidents of Campania communicating that “He asked for an anticipation for the synchronous teaching in presence and distance scenarios, following the announcement by the Evaluator that upper secondary schools will not reopen before January 25. They replied that they would think so. De Luca is also very cautious and sadly I can’t blame him“.

School and Covid, back to the classroom in stages: the roadmap of the Campania region

School directors are not entirely aware of the situation because they have excluded us from the tables with the prefects but we note that staggering schedules is difficult to achieve, especially since the situation is aggravated by the increase in infections. In Campania, in more disadvantaged areas like Irpinia and Benevento, but also in the narrow province of Salerno over 100 km long, 40% of students travel to school and are forced to travel at least 90 minutes to get there to his destiny. Only in Naples and Caserta the situation is a little less complex“De Rosa concludes.
