Am I required to access if I am 42 years old and have 10 months of contributions?


The worker who arrives at right to early retirement is forced to access it or, alternatively, can continue working until the retirement pension? The answer depends on the job sector and varies for public sector employees and those in the private sector.

We reply to a reader who writes us:

“Good morning. I would like to know if I have completed 42 and 10 months of contributions am I obliged to retire or if I can remain in the service up to 67 years. I am a municipal employee. Thank you”

Early retirement, is access mandatory?

As anticipated at the beginning of the article, the answer to your question depends on the sector of use.

While by and private sector employees there is no obligation and therefore it is possible continue working up to 67 years, for officials it is different, let’s try to understand why.

With the 2014 public administration reform, public administrations forced to place the retirement office the employee who upon completing the 65 years you have obtained the right to an early pension.

In your case, therefore, even if you have reached 42 years and 10 months that give you the right to access early retirement, you have not yet reached 65, you can continue working until you reach them: after which the decision will not be more than her, because, as I anticipated, the administration will be forced to place her in retirement upon reaching the age limit.

In some cases, then, the public administration can place the employee who is also retired have obtained the right to early retirement at the age of 62 years, but in this case, since there is no obligation to retire from the position, the administration in question must give the reason for the election (which can be due to dismissals, for example).

“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask it [email protected]
