Mandatory outdoor masks until October 15. And for that date a new provision will be adopted confirming or changing the provisions. This is what the Council of Ministers has decided
approved, under the decree law COVID-19, a standard that extend the dpcm with the anti-contagion regulations now in force. There is a novelty: it becomes the obligation takes effect immediately wear masks even outdoors, if you are around people who do not live together. further The Council of Ministers has expanded, with a specific resolution, the state of emergency as of January 31, 2021.
Mask everywhere except at home
According to government guidelines, the mask is mandatory in all closed places, except private homes. And this is one of the innovations that was introduced in the new Covid decree. The indoor obligation was established exclusively for places open to the public. Now comes one more squeeze and the obligation applies everywhere except in one’s own home.
When it shouldn’t be used
The new provisions will enter into force immediately after the publication of the decree law in the Official Gazette. As government sources explain, the obligation to wear a mask will apply “In all outdoor places except in cases where the isolation condition is continuously guaranteed” from other persons. Therefore, the obligation does not apply if you are outdoors in a secluded place with people living together.
Masks, mandatory even on buses. Immune, extension for all of 2021
Covid, zero tolerance in meetings: the police will intervene when reporting
Covid, here is the new Dpcm that extends the emergency until January 31, 2021: exceptions Regions only if they are more restrictive
Other obligations
The decree law that outlines the regulatory framework of anti-contagion measures to face the Covid emergency, introduces the obligation to always take the masks with you It also establishes that the Regions cannot adopt less restrictive rules than those of the government, except for specific exceptions agreed with the Minister of Health. Governors remain free to adopt more restrictive ordinances.
To the camera
Formerly the classroom of Camera had approved with 253 yes and 3 no (17 abstentions) the resolution of the majority that, in the fight against Covid, committed the Government to “order the extension of the state of emergency until January 31, 2021” and “ensure that the entire national territory introduces the obligation to wear a mask even in places outdoors and throughout the day ”.
The opposition did not vote. The document was presented as a result of communications from the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in view of the new Dpcm on the emergence of the Coronavirus. Therefore, the meeting of the Council of Ministers took note of the speeches of Parliament (the Senate had spoken yesterday). On the other hand, the opposition’s resolution was rejected, which, among other things, requested the presence in the Chamber of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte. The Assembly resumed voting on the resolutions after yesterday’s vote, the meeting did not have a quorum twice due to the absence of trusted quarantined deputies. Based on the decision subsequently adopted by the Board for the Montecitorio regulation, these parliamentarians should also be considered, as of today, ‘on mission’. Thus, 120 parliamentarians were on mission: in this way, the node of absences caused by the Covid protocol was dissolved (but only by a simple majority), reducing the quorum to reach a quorum.
Licensed text of Montecitorio, with the favorable opinion of the Government, finally urged the Executive to “verify, through the CTS, in consideration of the epidemiological data that show a significant increase in Covid-19 infections throughout the country, the need to identify new preventive measures to combat the spread of the virus, in line with the guidelines that Parliament will consider formulating ”.
Last update: 16:45