He died of Coronavirus on Christmas Day. Another victim is a health worker, Álvaro Rossi, 61, at the forefront of the fight against Covid19. To give the news on social networks, Mario Balzanelli, head of 118 in Taranto and president of the Italian company 118 of the system (Sis): “Alvaro Rossi, nurse at the Set 118 station in San Camillo – Ares 118 Rome. A life serving, with great preparation, great love and deep passion, to the neighbor at any time of the day or night ”.
“He was a great professional – Alessandro Saulini, Álvaro’s friend, as well as his colleague and secretary NurSind Ares 118 remembers him – I knew him since he was a child, since my mother was head of nursing at San Camillo. I worked with him for many years. sunny, smiling, accessible to all and respected by all, with a clever and ironic joke, but above all proud to have become a grandfather. ”Brave and smiling, despite everything. Although life has put him to the test several times , especially after the loss of his wife when his daughters were still small. He lived for them and for his grandson. On January 2 he had to retire. And instead the covid brought him away. One Christmas night he had to be of hope ”.
As they write in CriticaSenzaBavaglio: “At the forefront of the battle against Covid, he died on Christmas Day, crushed by the coronavirus. Álvaro Rossi, Ares 118 nurse, who has worked for 30 years at the San Camillo hospital post, died on the night of December 25 at the age of 61, a few days before retiring. He had been interned at the beginning of December in intensive care always in San Camillo. But even with him, the virus was stronger. Friends and colleagues remember him as “a leader”.