“Almost 61 thousand new hires between doctors and nurses” – Corriere.it


Increase in resources for the health sector, directly linked to the fight against the pandemic. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, had asked aloud that he is planning a general public health reform disrupted by Covid. “In this last year, everyone has understood the importance of a strong National Health Service,” says Speranza, and highlights how “in a few months we have increased by more than 6 billion euros the health fund, more than in the last 5 years added ». In the Covid budget law that was just passed, Speranza adds, “we also add another billion. In addition to another 2 billion in sanitary construction ». But the most important resource is people: “Our doctors, our nurses and our health professionals. We have hired more than 60,000 people and funded salary increasesestablish around € 1 billion with the increase in the exclusivity allowance for physicians and health managers and the introduction of the nursing allowance ”continues Speranza.

The new hiring numbers

The Budget Law assigns National Health Fund 121.37 billion euroswith an increase of a billion more compared to last year.Four thousand millions

(2 in 2021 and another 2 in 2022) dedicated tobuilding. The health service has been strengthened with the arrival of almost 61 thousand new operators (60,926 to be precise) divided as follows: 15,221 new doctors, 24,828 nurses me 20,877 oss and the like. More than 15 thousand are the new hires related to Covid: 7.860 in Usca (Special Continuity Care Units that take care of the sick at home) and 7,908 people participated in contact tracking, a fundamental activity to contain the epidemic.


As of January 1, about a billion more are expected for health worker wages. It is about 500 million for raises stable paycheck medici (after 10 years the exclusivity clause is reevaluated) and 335 million for increases in nurses (For the first time the specific assignment for this profession is introduced). Others 100 million finance the stable increase of health professionals, social workers and health partnersari: here too, for the first time, compensation for the protection of the sick and the promotion of health is introduced.

Specialization scholarships

Additional funds are earmarked for general medicine studies: 25 million euros for the compensation of the nursing staff who work there and another 10 for those who work in the clinics of free choice pediatricians. Finally, 40 million euros (from a fund from the Chamber of Deputies) will be allocated to financial incentives for health personnel employed in the Covid-19 emergency. the specialization scholarships. I am 13,400 those to be financed in 2021, 4,200 more of those planned for 2019 and 2020.
