L’AQUILA – Given the increase in infections and “the growing concern that is infiltrating the population”, Dante Labs launches a social initiative to support families in the provincial territory: starting tomorrow at the sampling center operating at the Technopole d ‘Abruzzo facilities in L’Aquila, tampons for kindergarten children, primary and secondary schoolchildren and high school students will be made at a cost of 35 euros instead of 59.
The multinational specialized in DNA sequencing and covid tests and swabs, which has its production center in the Technopole in Abruzzo, has taken this decision “precisely to meet parents who have the not inconsiderable problem of testing their children who have become ill of fever and other typical symptoms of menstruation and that they cannot return to school without a tampon ”.
“From about 100 tests that we have passed in recent days to requests scattered up to 500, we have organized tripling the workforce and therefore improving the organization, in that context we realized that especially mothers got into difficulties and then we took the decision to lower the price even more by going below the cost of the company, so it is an absolutely social initiative that is part of a very difficult time for L’Aquila, Abruzzo, Europe and the rest of the world ”, explains the CEO, Andrea Riposati, manager of L’Aquila who founded Dante Labs together with the professor from the University of L’Aquila Weather in Mattia Capulli.
After the 500 tests yesterday, also today, the opening day of the holidays, there was a record participation with some 450 tests: everything was carried out in conditions of maximum safety and maximum fluidity, such as waiting time. Around an hour. In this sense, a preferential lane has been given to children, pregnant women, the elderly and the disabled.
The service, which is activated after obtaining national and regional health authorizations, is managed in collaboration with local institutions, including the L’Aquila Provincial Asl, to which “the results of the tests are promptly communicated to counteract this wave of positive cases “. which is hitting the province of L’Aquila and the entire region ”. The service predicts the result in 24 hours, although the average is between 12 and 18 hours: the collection center is open from 9 to 16.
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