
Francesco Fredella
Now Pierpaolo Pretelli has a doubt. And it encourages, once again, life in the house of Big Brother Vip. After the flirtation (never corresponded) with Elisabetta gregoraci, says he could give in to Giulia Salemi. However, just a few days ago he got confused with his ex, Ariadna. Confusion reigns in the Cinecittà de Canale 5 house.

Think about cheating Tommaso zorzi, which says: “But would you kiss Giulia?” And Pretelli responds: “I could.” But then intervenes Stefania orlando, which is on a mission to make Pierpaolo unzip a bit. She suggests that Elizabeth remove the image from the room. “As a woman it would bother me,” says Stefania (among other things, Salemi has said several times that she doesn’t want to be a second choice). But Pretelli brakes again. “I’m not ready yet,” he tells his Vipponian friends.