all the news that comes


the Revival Decree It is coming. When it is not known, but the government has been working for some time on the implementation of a large measure, previously known as decree april and how decree may, which includes support measures companies, families, workers, professionals, bonuses and much more. The relaunch decree has yet to be filed, but numerous versions of one are circulating. eraser It contains all the various proposals, the last of which touches 800 pages.

they are 55 billion euros that the relaunch decree will provide to finance all the planned measures. But what are they?


Relaunch decree: all measures in 20 points collected the news from the government study summarizing the measures to support families, workers and companies in 20 points.

Employment and income support

1) VAT registration voucher from 600 to 1,000 euros

Among the most anticipated innovations within the Relaunch decree, the bonus for VAT numbers stands out, ranging from 600 to 800 euros, 1,000 if it shows to have registered losses of more than 33% compared to the billing for the same period in 2019.

2) Extension of layoffs

Another highly anticipated measure: the extension of the redundancy fund for another nine weeks.

3) Naspi extension

In support of those receiving unemployment benefits, the measure dedicated to Naspi within the relaunch decree should provide for the two-month extension of the allowance for those with the expiring allowance.

4) Stop layoffs

News dedicated to employers, they should be prohibited from firing their employees for at least another three months.

5) Bonus for domestic workers and caregivers for 600 euros

In support of domestic workers and caregivers who have seen their work decrease drastically due to blocking measures and social distancing, the new decree would allow the bonus to be extended up to € 600.

6) emergency income

The highly anticipated emergency income, the details of which are expected within the Relaunch decree, would provide financial support for those who still do not receive any and can demonstrate that they have a lower income (ISEE below the limit of 15,000 euros). The duration of the emergency income must be two months and the amount of the aid will range between a minimum of 400 euros and a maximum of 800 euros.


7) 1,200 kangaroo bond

A large part of the relaunch decree will be dedicated to measures to support families. The most anticipated news on the subject refers to the childcare voucher, which should be doubled from 600 to 1,200 euros for children under 12, a limit that is canceled in the case of disabled children. The same bonus could also be used to pay for summer camps or the like.

8) Smart work for parents

Smart work is also planned for dependent parents in the private sector with one or more children under the age of 14, even in the absence of an employer agreement and until the state of health emergency is lifted.

9) Strengthening of summer camps.

The relaunch decree is expected to define the allocation of a 150 million euro fund to be dedicated to municipalities to invest in strengthening summer centers, including private ones, which can be accessed by children between the ages of 3 and 14 years.


10) Bonus of 1,000 euros for seasonal workers

A bonus of € 1,000 is expected for seasonal workers, whose professional opportunities are extremely linked to the tourism sector, in a serious crisis.

11) Tourism funds for 100 million euros.

A fund of 50 million is being studied to support tourism, which will be dedicated to investment funds and other organizations for the acquisition of shares or shares of companies in the sector intended to buy or value properties in accommodation or, in any case, related to the sector.

An additional fund, again € 50 million, will support the costs associated with disinfection and workplace safety for accommodation facilities as well as bath and spa establishments.

12) Holiday voucher

Still in the tourism sector, we are thinking of creating a fund of 30 million euros that will be disbursed in the form of a tax credit of up to a maximum of 500 euros for each family that belongs to a lower-middle income bracket, to spend for your account Holidays in Italy.
Holiday bonus 2020, 500 euros in the relaunch decree: the news under study

13) Rental vouchers and soft drinks for tourist companies

The possibility of reimbursing rents incurred by tourism and accommodation companies and bill bonuses, as well as a tax credit, are also being considered.


14) Bonus for electric bicycles and scooters.

The relaunch decree should provide a fund of 125 million euros dedicated to finance a bonus of 500 euros for those who buy bicycles, electric scooters or other means of sustainable mobility.

15) Refund of seasonal public transport tickets

A refund should be provided for the months in which it was not possible to take advantage of the subscription to public transport already stipulated before the arrival of the blockade.


16) Ecobonus 110% renewals

Another highly anticipated innovation: the arrival of a 110% deduction for the maintenance and requalification of energy incurred at the end of 2021.


17) Kiosk bonuses

One-time € 500 bonus for kiosk managers who stayed open during the lockout.

18) 50% tax credit for advertising investments

We are also studying a transition from 30% to 50% of credits eligible for tax credits for advertising investments in the publishing sector, along with a 95% increase in newspaper returns for VAT payment.

19) 8% tax credit

For the purchase of paper, an 8% tax credit can be provided for expenses incurred last year.


20) Bonus 300 for PC and wi-fi

A bonus of up to 300 euros for the purchase of computers, wi-fi internet subscriptions and other IT services is also being studied within the Relaunch decree.

When does the relaunch decree arrive?

There are many disagreements on the measures to be implemented within the relaunch decree, with the aim of integrating, extending and enriching the provisions already implemented with the Cura Italia Decree.

Most cannot find unanimous agreement, but inside sources speak of possible submission of relaunch decree for Sunday May 10, at most on Monday morning. From the first leaked draft of what was known at the time as the April decree containing around forty articles, today the new version known as the relaunch decree contains more than one hundred.

The 5 Star Movement and Italy alive are the voices of disagreement within the majority, whose discord could also lead to one unpacking measures to be implemented, giving priority to the most urgent in the Relaunch decree (refinancing of layoffs, INPS bonuses and social safety nets), and then integrating with other measures with a separate decree.

Draft reactivation decree
It contains all the proposals of the Ministries.