the chaos in Lombardy for anti-Covid vaccines? Guilt of Aria, the regional company that coordinates the campaign. Said it in the last days Guido Bertolaso, Pirellone consultant. He recalled it yesterday on Twitter. Letizia moratti, Vice President of Lombardy. The leader of the League made it clear Matteo salvini, talking about something that is wrong and needs to be changed. The classic straw that broke the camel’s back dates back to the weekend, with the Cremona, Como and Brianza vaccination centers ready to do injections, but no patients in line because the management platform had not sent the summons.
What exactly is this Aria in which all the responsibility is discharged? To understand this, we must first dissolve the acronym, which stands for Regional Company for Innovation and Purchasing, and go back to 2019. Attilio fontana, with her strong man Davide caparini (still Councilor for Budgets with delegation to the Affiliates), decides to merge the three resorts Centrale Acquisti (Arca), Lombardia Informatica (Lispa) and Lombard Infrastructures (Ilspa) to reduce waste and cancel the echo of the scandals that they bring with them. It is calculated that the operation will serve saves 3.7 million euros per year operating costs and 13 percent of the total value of the bidding procedures. The objective is to create a unique entity in Italy for competence and integrity in the capacity for innovation, in the evaluation of spending and in the regeneration of purchasing processes. Aria, precisely, with its 600 employees. He is elected president Francesco Ferri, from the Forza Italia area. It acts as a counterweight to him. Filippo Bongiovanni, general manager close to Fontana and therefore to the Lega.
Not even six months after its birth, the new company is facing the pandemic. And it immediately shows limits on the supply of masks and other protective devices. The first big rock there dresses affair, of the shoes and headgear supplied / donated by the Dama spa company controlled by Andrea Dini, brother-in-law of Fontana and ten percent owned by his wife. Also among the suspects is Bongiovanni, who asks for and manages to be assigned to another position. Instead it comes from the Cero Company of Veneto Lorenzo Gubian. No less complex is the question of flu serums. Aria launches 13 tenders to recover around 2.6 million vials, some at record prices, others that arrived too late and therefore were left unused, which was a waste of resources.
Then there are the problems in handling the results of the swabs and anti-Covid tests. Looking ahead to 2021, here are the problems with the vaccination campaign, for which 18.5 million euros are earmarked for Aria. Between text messages sent late at night for the next morning’s appointment, overbooking, or no calls, the leaks multiply. So much so that the Region opts for switch to the Post platform. And judging from Moratti’s tweets, there will be changes to the top of the spa soon. Aria a bankruptcy project of Commissioner Caparini – for the regional councilor Pd Pietro Bussolati -, control of the company was lost. The responsibility is shared with Vice President Moratti who designed the vaccination plan. According to informants from the business only part of the problem. To work at full capacity would require a more solid planning of the campaign, with defined and stable objectives. What does not work, in short, goes beyond the air
March 22, 2021 | 07:17