All regions of the yellow zone in December


If the coronavirus epidemic stops its growth and begins its decline this week, as the numbers of the Civil Protection bulletins seem to suggest, the government plans to include all regions of the yellow zone by December, but warns the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza . , the easing of the restrictions, requested by the regional presidents, will only occur if “the data for the next few days allow it. It is understandable that a territory wants to leave the red zone, but we choose the following steps carefully. The movements only they can occur if all the regions passed to the yellow zone, but at this moment we must avoid the unnecessary ones ”.

All regions of the yellow zone in December

As planned, the first to leave the red zone could be, from December 3 or even at the end of this week, Lombardy and Piedmont, but also the Aosta Valley and Calabria as well as the province of Bolzano. On December 1, if the latest follow-up data are confirmed, Liguria and Umbria could also be “released”. The 4 could touch Campania and Emilia-Romagna, while in Tuscany the numbers are not yet so positive as to allow yellow. But this will not be a green light to return to normal. Not so soon, at least. Because Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte is convinced that the zone system is giving its results in containing the epidemic and that is why, the government writes today, at the river meeting on Friday, and at this time in view of the meeting. With today’s Regions in Calabria, he envisioned a roadmap: all regions would turn yellow with a series of more restrictive measures. Except for some provinces where, on the other hand, more restrictive ad hoc measures could be adopted, such as those in the red or orange zones.

However, this will not change things much: “The government is fully aware that facing the Christmas holidays without some additional precautions would be irresponsible – they say from Chigi according to the newspaper – The occasions of socialization and moments of conviviality are particularly intense during the period Christmas”. and even Befana: if a Region were allowed to face this period with the regime of measures typical of a yellow or orange zone, the contagion would jump ahead with the risk that the January curve would get out of control again ”. The objective is to “promote consumption”. Therefore, “we will not deny the exchange of gifts”, and with the cashback plan, electronic purchases in proximity stores will be favored, since online purchases will be excluded from the benefits. But in any case, transfers between regions will also be denied in the yellow zone: for this it will be necessary to issue new rules in the next Dpcm. And extended social opportunities such as bingo, celebrations, dinners and parties will also be denied.

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But travel between regions will be prohibited.

All this happens while it is the medium-small provinces, rather than the large cities, that have the most important outbreaks. Il Mattino tells today that while in Florence there are 55 new cases for every one hundred thousand inhabitants, the province of Massa Carrara has 117; The same occurs in Milan (85), surpassed by Varese (136), Como (111), Monza and Brianza (99) and Sondrio (102). Just as the province of Caserta registers 92 new cases and Naples 74; that of Belluno 93 against 53 in Venice and between Rome and Rieti is the second worst with 68 new positivities for every one hundred thousand inhabitants compared to 45 in the capital, but also in Sardinia, where Nuoro (73) triples the registered cases in the Cagliari area (24). That is why it is still on track to leave some red zones even in the regions to be “liberated”, although the plan has changed radically compared to last week, when the idea was to do the opposite.

The impression explains today that bringing all of Italy into the yellow or orange zone could, however, be detrimental according to the prime minister, who fears that “facing the holidays without some additional precautions would be irresponsible” and therefore wants to limit “the opportunities of socialization and moments of coexistence: if a region allowed itself to face this period with the regime of measures of a yellow or orange zone, the contagion would jump forward with the risk that the January curve would get out of control again. It is not intended to counteract the tradition of the exchange of gifts, so much so that the cashback plan will start already in December with incentives for electronic purchases to favor more secure payments and proximity stores (online purchases are excluded from the benefits). It is necessary to limit the occasions of “extended sociability”, which usually accompany the Christmas holidays, with bingo, celebrations, dances.

Lombardy towards the orange zone? What changes for citizens and the rules for bars and shops.
