all regional rules. Coldiretti alarm for wild boar hunting


Fishing, gathering olives, mushrooms and truffles, club activities. Clarifications in this regard came with the interpretive ordinance of the Tuscany Region that was signed last night by President Eugenio Giani.

It must be said immediately, not everything is allowed, not everything was possible to insert it in the regional order as Giani explained in the live broadcast a few hours ago.

For the collection and pressing of olives in another municipality it is possible to do so if it is a land owned by second-degree relatives. For truffles you can move to another municipality if you have a specific card; whoever does it in an amateur way can only exercise it in their own municipality. The same is the case with mushroom picking: in another municipality, those who are agricultural entrepreneurs, members of forestry agricultural cooperatives can go there, while amateur picking takes place in their own municipality of residence. Even sport and amateur fishing follow this rule and the dividing line is always between amateur and professional activity. Farmed animals can also be moved to ensure their welfare.

And hunting?

“In my ordinance you will not find anything, I was in favor of the teams also being made up of people from different municipalities and that they could move, but the Ministry has indicated that they cannot resign. Displacement by hunting is not foreseen. if in the next few days we can find derogation spaces“Said Giani, citing for example the importance of wild boar hunting in this period.

Wild boar hunting: the voice of Coldiretti

“The regional ordinance does not stop the escalation of damages, aggressions and accidents that unfortunately also cause victims and that are the result of the uncontrolled proliferation of wild animals, with the number of wild boars present in our region exceeding 450 thousand, at least 20 wild boars per 100 hectares of territory “. This is what the president of Coldiretti Arezzo Lidia Castellucci says in reference to the need to resume hunting also in the province of Arezzo, unlike what was communicated with the latest regional ordinance signed last night by President Giani on the rules for going out of the municipality itself. .

“The wild boar is a problem that even in our province – explains President Castellucci – we deal with daily, in addition to putting safety on the roads and around the houses at risk, with a dramatic budget also in terms of loss of life. human beings, wild animals destroy agricultural crops and exterminate farm animals, a situation that now forces companies to leave the vacant land, upsetting the productive structure of our field ”. The health risks caused by the spread of diseases such as swine fever are also of concern. A danger recently denounced by the same virologist Ilaria Capua who spoke of the risk of the domino effect if, in addition to the Coronavirus, swine fever passed in Italy from wild animals to farm animals. “The blocking of all hunting activities, therefore, runs the risk of having serious repercussions on the containment of invasive species – says Castellucci – the defense of agriculture and the safety of people. The wild boar emergency must be faced with the use of slaughter, especially by hiring specialized personnel to reduce the number. The unbridled proliferation of wild boars – concludes the President – is also endangering the environmental balance of vast territorial ecosystems even in areas of high naturalistic value, we hope that the Region of Tuscany can review the limitations imposed to date with a new ordinance “.

Second residences and other trips

It is allowed to reach second homes, to carry out the maintenance and repair activities necessary to protect the security and conservation conditions of the property, explained Giani. The transfer can be exclusively individual with the obligation to return within the day to the residence. Displacements by public or private means of transport are allowed, in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, as well as for proven needs for work or study, for health reasons and for situations of need, exclusively to carry out activities or take advantage non-suspended services not available in the municipalities of residence; Transfers to other municipalities are allowed if the municipality of residence does not have specific points of sale, or if it is urgently necessary to acquire essential items that are not in the municipality of residence. The activity of the course such as that of the schools of music, painting, photography, theater, foreign languages ​​is carried out at a distance, if it is collective; in presence, if individual.

The circles

Finally, in over the circles cultural, social and recreational activities that carry out catering activities, for which it is allowed to carry out, exclusively for members, only catering with home delivery, as well as, until 10 p.m., catering with take away, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity.
