all possible infractions and sanctions (for individuals and companies)


How many are crimes and administrative violations possible at the time of Covid? This question is answered by the manual developed by Guardia di Finanza, in which i are listed one by one prohibited behavior and their respective Civil and criminal consequences.

The document was drafted as vademecum for law enforcement, but is a useful refresher for citizens and companies that they must comply with the anti-Covid measures imposed by the government; it is, in fact, a “collector” of rules and fines sanctioned by the numerous decrees and DPCM issued from March to the present.

Fines and violations of anti-Covid rules for private citizens

There are several offenses that individuals who do not adapt to the coronavirus prevention, hygiene and safety measures can incur, from the obligation to wear a mask outdoors to the criminal consequences for violating home isolation. Below is a summary table:

Violation of the anti-Covid measure Legal reference Penalty (to a lesser extent)
ban on gathering Art. 1 c. 8 DL 33/2020 (Converted with Law 74/2020) from 280 to 560 euros
obligation to always wear or have the mask with you Art.1 c.1 DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
not respecting social distancing Art. 1 C. 2 DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Failure to stay at home for those with a temperature above 37.5 ° Art. 1 C. 6 lett. a) DPCM of 13.10.2020 sanction in accordance with article 452 of the Penal Code
Minimum social distance of two meters for outdoor sports or one meter for physical activity. Art. 1 C. 6 lett. e) DPCM of 18.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
distancing and prohibition of meetings during sport and physical activity in gyms, swimming pools, sports centers and clubs Art. 1 C. 6 lett. f) DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Prohibition of holding public events that are not static. Art. 1 C. 6 lett. i) DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Prohibition of celebrations in indoor and outdoor places, festivals and fairs, civil or religious festivities with more than 30 guests. Art. 1 C. 6 lett. n) DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Ban on holding conferences and congresses, except remotely. Art. 1 C. 6 lights. n bis) DPCM of 18.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros

Please note that fines for violation of Covid regulations can be contested according to the times and methods provided by law for other administrative sanctions and it is possible pay the fee.

Rules and sanctions for companies

The possible infractions for companies are much lower than those for individuals, but in many cases the consequences are more serious. Here are the rules and penalties for bars, restaurants, hair salons, gyms, beauty salons, supermarkets, clothing stores, and more:

Violation of the anti-Covid measure Legal reference Penalty (to a lesser extent)
for game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls, the activity must take place from 08:00 to 21:00 Art. 1 C. 6 lett. l) DPCM of 18.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
prohibition of catering activities (such as bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, pastry shops) after 6:00 p.m. in the absence of consumption at the table Art. 1 c.6 lett. ee) DPCM of 18.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
for retail business activities, the obligation to enforce interpersonal distance of at least one meter and delay entries Art. 1 c.6 lett. dd) DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
obligation to carry out catering activities (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) from 05.00 to 24.00 with consumption at the table, up to a maximum of 6 people per table Art. 1 c.6 lett. ee) DPCM of 18.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Obligation to suspend activities carried out in dance halls and discos and similar venues, outdoors or indoors Art. 1 c.6 lett. n) DPCM of 13.10.2020 from 280 to 560 euros
Obligation to display the code of the time zone, the relative operating hours and prohibition of doing business outside the selected hours on Saturdays and Sundays Major Ordinance of Rome Capital n. 110 from 05.06.2020 from 280 to 560 euros

In all these cases, in addition to the basic pecuniary penalty, the Police may order the provisional closure of the business up to 5 days, to avoid the continuation or repetition of prohibited conduct.
