all new rules for students and teachers


Nothing classroom mask for the return to classes now at the doors, but in case of recurrence of infections the health authorities may impose it. After days of indiscretion, everything is now black and white. the students They will be able to stand without a mask on the counter if they are separated by at least one meter. This is what the Scientific Technical Committee reiterated in a document published at the end of today’s meeting on the reopening of schools in safety. The hypothesis of making it mandatory at all times in middle and high schools, suggested by some experts, does not materialize.

“In primary school, to facilitate learning and relational development, the mask can be removed in a static condition respecting the distance of at least one meter and the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (eg singing) – read the note of the committee – In secondary school, even considering a transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in static condition respecting the distance of at least one meter, the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (for example, song) and in epidemiological situations of low viral circulation as defined by the health authority “.

In detail, says the CTS, “the opening of schools is a primary need of the country, but so is security and continuity of activities.” Therefore – it is emphasized in the note – along with the didactic and training needs, it is necessary to take into account the precautionary principle, the protection of workers, the effectiveness, sustainability and acceptability of the proposed measures. As of May, the CTS has prepared various documents with technical evaluation elements, presented to the political decision-maker, on the possible remodeling of the measures to contain the contagion of Sars-Cov-2, with the aim of guaranteeing the health and safety of the reopening of schools for the new school year ”. The World Health Organization, in a recent document dated August 21, recalls the CTS, provides indications on the use of masks in the school environment, differentiating by age groups. Between 6 and 11 years: use conditioned to the local epidemiological situation, paying attention in any case to the sociocultural context and factors such as the child’s compliance with the use of the mask and its impact on learning abilities. From 12 years old: use the same forecasts for adult use. The WHO consensus conference on August 31 reiterates the need to combine the use of masks with other preventive measures, uali social distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory etiquette, accurate health information and education in an age-appropriate language. the students.

School, mask not compulsory in the classroom if there is distance

Italian students will lower their masks when they are at the desk one meter away from their classmates, but in high school and even high school they will only be able to do so if there is a low local circulation of the virus (like today). In the event of a net increase in infections, further evaluations will be conducted.

In fact, the CTS reiterates for now what has already been indicated about dynamic situations and in static situations in which distance is not respected. “In all the contexts of static conditions, the CTS reiterates the importance of the use of masks as already expressed in the technical document on the school of May 28, 2020 and included in the 2020-2021 School Plan and specifies that – says the note – in primary school, to facilitate learning and relational development, the mask can be removed in a static condition respecting the distance of at least one meter and the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (eg. ) “.” In high school, even considering a transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in a static condition with respect to the distance of at least one meter, the absence of situations that provide for the possibility of aerosolization (for example, singing) and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation as defined by the health authority – the CTS continues in the note – It is emphasized that the use of masks is only one of the prevention measures that should be implemented in the school environment in correct association with all the other measures already recommended to limit the circulation of the virus (for example, personal and environmental hygiene, air exchange, ordinary sanitation …) “. Finally, the CTS stresses that “ the epidemiological data, scientific knowledge and the organizational implications found, may determine a modification of the proposed recommendations, also in relation to the different local epidemiological trends, by the health authority that can also provide for the obligation of the mask in static situations with respect to distancing during a determined period, within a scalability strategy of prevention and control measures balanced with the needs of continuity and effectiveness of the training courses ”.

“The epidemiological data, the scientific knowledge and the organizational implications found, may determine a modification of the proposed recommendations, also in relation to the different local epidemiological trends, by the health authority that may foresee the obligation of the mask even in static situations with regarding the distancing for a certain period – warns the CTS-, within a scalability strategy of prevention and control measures balanced with the needs of continuity and effectiveness of the training courses ”.

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And me teachers? The CTS did not address the problem but, secondly RepublicFor the teachers’ masks, the already dictated rule will remain in force: “When they are at least two meters from the students, at the desk, they can take them off. If they move, they must put them on.” Satisfied Antonello Giannelli, President
of the National Association of Directors, who tells the Roman newspaper: “Wearing a mask is a nuisance for everyone. The question is: are there alternatives? We cannot pretend that there is no pandemic. Although pedagogical aspects are important for elementary school students, who can eliminate it
if there is distancing, the elderly are asked to make an additional sacrifice and are only linked to the tendency of infection. I find it very reasonable. “

Self-certification to go back to school: proposal from the principals
