“All motionless” – Time


“It is also possible to criticize, challenge, censor or not that decision of theAnti-corruption authority which aims to sanctify Nicola Zingaretti for an incredible scandal? “. Deputy Director of The weather Francesco Storace intervenes in the case of the Lazio Region and on the site 7Colli.it writes: “The masks of the Lazio Region have pissed off, outraging much of the public opinion. Our money thrown to the wind by a regrettable administration that had commissioned the devices from a light bulb manufacturer for a good 35 million euros; chasing 14 and ending the ridicule for not being able to close the deal. Well, yesterday afternoon the sacred institution known politically, the Anac, in the company managed to dismiss the process related to Lazio. And this happens while we no longer know what The investigation of the Public Ministry that had entrusted the investigation to the Guardia di Finanza has ended. All right, Madame la Marquise. “

But it hurts to read that for Anac nothing has happened in the Ecotech affair, a bad sign for public opinion. “From the examination of the retentions on the work of the administration, aimed at addressing critical issues of extreme gravity, regarding which the protection of public health was prioritized, in compliance with an exceptional discipline and in derogation that characterized the activity of acquisition of personal protective equipment and other health supplies destined to contain the Covid 19 epidemic, the Authority – specifies the note – does not see any more margins for supervisory intervention and orders the presentation of the procedure “.

For the Anac nothing happened with the missing masks in front of Zingaretti’s eyes. “We would have expected – Storace denounces – a greater foresight and we will not stop saying it with all the strength we have. Because if this is the aperitif, if nobody pays from the town hall to the last of the regional managers for an amazing operation; Citizens are distancing themselves more and more from institutions. And it is increasingly fundamental to ask what would have happened in other times precisely with the Lazio region, how many wives would have been shot ”.
