
If there is a way to compact the majority, which is divided into the security decrees, the Recovery Fund and the Month, that is the state of emergency. From extension to extension we arrive at October 15 and next week will be decisive to understand if the government will go down the path of simple renewal or will opt for a more articulated process also in light of the pandemic data produced by the reopening of schools .
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In an attempt to avoid the controversy at the end of July, the hypothesis of an extension of the pot until December 31 has ended up at the executive table. Unlike what happened on July 29, it would not be a block renovation of the state of emergency (as the Scientific Technical Committee would like) but a series of measures linked to the Rt index or to individual territories. The goal is to ensure that, while maintaining obligations and prohibitions for citizens, the government no longer has the special powers it has today. However, it is not clear how he was able to quickly establish red zones or local blockades or buy massive doses of the flu vaccine that will be mandatory for those 65 and older. In any case, the process becomes more complex and less fast, hence the strong criticism. of the CTS and virologists, but it would prevent the government, and especially Conte, from being accused of continuing to want “a blank proxy” when no country in Europe has adopted such a measure.
However, the problems are not insignificant. As a first step, it will be necessary to work on the extension of direct ordinances, those that belong to the very nature of the state of emergency. These are, among others, the possibility of acting for the Dpcm, the coordination function attributed to the Head of Civil Protection, the extraordinary powers attributed to the so-called execution bodies (such as the Presidents of the Regions) and also the role of the Special Commissioner Domenico Arcuri. His figure in fact on October 15 ceases to exist, losing any possibility of finding more quickly, for example, diagnostic kits or More expensive.
The object of a specific measure must also be the smart work. To date, in fact, by exploiting the emergency regime, it has been possible to circumvent the common law that provides for ad hoc agreements between the employer and the unions. There is also a second line of provisions that need to be expanded. They are those that contain the cessation of the state of exception as a temporary reference to its effectiveness. That is, a standard will be needed for all behavioral prescriptions. From the use of masks to the sanitation of the premises, from the prohibition of meeting in public places or open to the public to maintaining a distance of at least one meter even indoors. That is to say, all those measures that, as the WHO affirmed yesterday, have allowed us to “reverse the trajectory of the epidemic.”
A meeting is scheduled for October 7 to discuss the possible gradual reopening of the stadiums also in light of the start of the school year. In Italy there is no second wave and if in a couple of weeks the contagion curve remains below the 5,000 threshold, it will certify that the reopening of schools has also been reabsorbed. But prudence is essential, also because if there is a “weapon” that Palazzo Chigi knows it can no longer afford, it is that of a second total closure of the country. “We will make an assessment of the state of emergency in a few weeks,” explains the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, to Tg3. The minister excludes “at this time broader interventions” although he does not exclude the possibility of adopting drastic measures for “small territories, at the subprovincial level.” The minister also speaks of “an advantage” that Italy has over other European countries and that it wants to defend. The state of emergency also served to shorten the chain of authorizations that allowed the rapid purchase of swabs, serological tests and that could soon become useful again to buy salivary tests or massive doses of influenza vaccine.
“We will discuss it in the council of ministers”, repeats the prime minister, referring to a new decree of the Prime Minister that, therefore, could contain the measures for the extension of the state of emergency. A decree of the Prime Minister that, like the previous ones, will be illustrated by Conte to the Chambers and voted by Parliament. However, the road will not be downhill. The opposition, led by the League, had already disputed the last extension, but above all the government will have to deal with regional presidents. In fact, the conference of the regions is led by the dem Stefano Bonaccini, but Matteo Salvini, after the vote last Monday, has presented claims on the basis of the 15 regions led by the center-right and would point to the governor of Friuli Massimiliano Fedriga who on more than one occasion challenged the government’s decisions on the Covid-19 emergency.
Last update: 00:26