all incoming aid and compensation


New measures taken by the government to limit the spread of infections will take effect at midnight. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte explained at the press conference about new Dpcm. “The epidemiological curve has reached worrying levels. The Rt index has reached the threshold of 1.5. We want to keep the curve under control and this is the only way to manage the pandemic“said the tenant of Palazzo Chigi.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Sunday October 25

New Dpcm October 25: Conte’s words

The objective is avoid a new lock“The latest epidemiological data that we have analyzed cannot leave us indifferent.” Conte has announced a new disbursement of a monthly emergency income, but also new grants, confirmed the Cig, there will be a tax credit for commercial rentals for the months of October and November. The second installment of Imu due December 16 will be canceled; confirmed the new single monthly allowance for seasonal workers. “Compensation is ready for all those” who are “penalized” by the new anti-Covid rules, says the premier. The money will arrive by bank transfer. But the decree of economic aid is not there yet: Conte has assured that this time we will proceed quickly: “In the Official Gazette already on Tuesday”. We’ll see.

“I don’t like to make promises. Rather, I prefer to commit myself. The compensation for the benefit of all those who will be sanctioned by these new rules are already ready. The soft drinks will reach the checking accounts of those directly affected by bank transfer through the Agency. Tax “. ”

Conte: “In December we will be able to breathe again”

“We must do everything we can to protect health and the economy. Hence the need for more restrictive measures, which will take effect this afternoon until November 24 ”.

“The closure of theaters, concert halls and cinemas was a particularly difficult decision, among others”, the prime minister said again. “The objective is clear, we want to keep the epidemiological curve under control because only then can we handle the pandemic without being overwhelmed by it. But this means offering an efficient response and adequate treatment to all citizens and avoiding a generalized confinement, the country can no longer afford it. “.”We have not introduced a curfew, it is not a word that we like but we recommend that you move only for work, health, study and necessity. and not receive people who are not of the family unit at home “.

The next few weeks will be complex, but in December “we will be able to breathe again” waits Conte, who is confident that the measures in force as of tomorrow may have a containment effect on the contagion curve: “I hope they are sufficient.”

“This government, despite the variety of sensitivities and positions, has a very clear objective and these measures draw a clear picture -explained Conte-: we do not want to directly penalize the productive and economic fabric but at the same time if we do not toughen those measures with difficulty We could to try it in this November. We trust that in November we will suffer a little but then we will breathe again“.

“The data we are examining says that the pandemic is playing out uniformly and critically across Italy. Hence the government intervention to redefine the framework of restrictive measures. And in the coming days we will be able to let the regions agree with us more restrictive measures ”.

“With this framework of measures, we are confident that we will be able to face the month of December more extensively. We would like to come to Christmas with a calm disposition,” explained the Prime Minister. If the measures are sufficient? “I hope so but I’m sure it’s not that at Christmas, even if the first doses of vaccines arrive, we can all hug each other and have parties and parties. But the important thing is to arrive calmly ”.

The text of the Dpcm October 24, 2020

signed dpcm-2

Dpcm today: the new closures

“The closing of theaters and cinemas is a nuisance, so on Twitter the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Dario Franceschini -. But today the absolute priority is to protect the life and health of all, with all possible measures. We will work so that the closure is as short as possible and how and more than in recent months we will support companies and cultural workers ”.

“Along with the stricter and more uniform measures that will arrive with the Dpcm – announces the Vice Minister of Economy on Fb Laura castelli -, there will be immediate financial support for those categories that will suffer limitations to stop the spread of the virus. Measures, in which we are working in these hours, which will be adopted quickly, to ensure supplies, compensation and dismissals for all the entities involved. More than we already did in March. “

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New Dpcm: Conte has signed, which will change from tomorrow

count ansa-4
