all fines (up to 533 euros) for those who violate the prohibitions


Red, orange and yellow regions: all fines (up to 533 euros) for those who violate the bans

More than two people cannot meet in a public place, so as not to violate the Dl 33/2020: violators are responsible for one sanction from 400 euros (within 60 days) which are reduced to 280 (within 5 days). Just as it is an obligation to have with you protection devices of the respiratory tract with the obligation to carry them indoors other than private homes and in all outdoor places: those who do not carry mask Fine of 400 euros (280 paying in 5 days). And the 400 euros reduced to 280 are a constant of the penalties provided to counteract violations of the containment measures of the COVID-19. If on the afternoon of Sunday the 8th the checks had challenged a Rome in Via del Corso, the maximum reception created, in the pockets of the state would have ended up with at least 2 million euros as a result of the sanctions.

The General Command of the Carabinieri has issued an operational statement to the territorial commands to be followed precisely during the surveillance of the measures adopted by the government, fruit of the last Dpcm. Sanctions are divided between regions in yellow band, orange me rossa.

All the prohibitions of entry and exit of their territories sanctioned for the orange regions (Abruzzo, Basilicata, Liguria, Puglia, Tuscany, Sicily, Umbria) and even more restrictive for Bolzano, Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Aosta Valley (red) those who are not allowed to move even in their own territory are sanctioned with 400 euros within 60 days (280 within 5 days) but with an increase of one third (respectively 533 euros and 373 euros) if they are aboard a vehicle.

The discos

Discos and dance halls must be closed. Violators are always sanctioned with a fine of 400 euros within 60 days reduced to 280 within 5 days but with an aggravating circumstance: to avoid the continuation or repetition of the offense, the procedural authority may order the temporary closure of the company or business for a duration of up to 5 days. In the orange regions the same fines and the possible closure for 5 days also to several grocery stores that do not observe social distancing, bars and restaurants that do not adhere to home delivery only until 10 at night. In the red sanctions of 400 euros (280 5 days) to commercial establishments that try to open without being included in the Ateco codes with possible closure for 5 days, after the curfew has ended.

Covid and lockdown, reinforced in five regions. Campania now risks

Italy becomes increasingly red and orange. With another 25,271 infections (out of 148 thousand swabs) and 356 deaths compared to the previous day and especially with hospitals on the brink of collapse and the “rapid worsening of the epidemic”, last night the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza had to impose a new repression.


Last update: 11:22

