Governor Marsilio’s decision: all Abruzzo in the Red Zone. Will it go into effect on Tuesday? In schools, Sighs also holds back the president.
In light of indications from the regional working group, Abruzzo could enter the red zone starting next Tuesday. This is the orientation that emerged after a series of evaluations and meetings carried out by the President of the Region. Marco Marsilio.
However, the relative ordinances will be issued once a quick consultation with the mayors of Abruzzo’s main cities, the prefects, the social forces and the presidents of the provinces has been completed.
The decision that will be made will refer only to the day from which the restrictions will begin. Now it is decided that all of Abruzzo goes into the red zone.
SHOCK AT SCHOOLS -It is yet to be defined if the closure of schools will be total or if the national legislation that would imply distance learning will be applied only from the second and third Intermediate Schools in addition to the High Schools in which it is already in force.
There is no shortage of perplexities even within the majority itself. For the President of the Abruzzo Regional Council, Lorenzo Sospiri.
“Close where it is needed. The Dpcm Government provides in the red zone that nurseries up to sixth grade must remain open and that is how it should be; if there are areas of Abruzzo that have situations that are so urgent that they cannot even allow it, they close there. “
The regional councilor Guido Quintino Liris, in the Domenica Sportiva di Rete8 highlights that
“A careful evaluation is underway and will be completed tomorrow. It is possible, however – he says – that the Region decides to operate a firm grip to contain the contagion of the coronavirus that today is causing great difficulties to hospitals and the health system, integrating the provisions already provided by national regulations with others of a local ”. “In detail – highlights the commissioner – the regional technical-scientific committee, by majority, believes that in addition to the measures already provided for by the ‘red band’, it is also necessary to proceed with a total closure of school activity, for each level and level. The objective of the Region is to be ahead of the times with respect to national elections that today seem inevitable, in a way that contributes to the protection of public health and tries to guarantee a restart as wide as possible, especially in the face of the Christmas period ”.
Leader of the M5S Group in the Commission of Culture and Education of the Chamber of Deputies Gianluca Vacca challenges the total closure of schools:
“I hope the news of an imminent school closure in Abruzzo is unfounded.
President Marsilio complies with national regulations even if he goes through the red zone. The example of Campania is illuminating: school closures do not stop the infection. Marsilio does not compromise the future of our children and youth! “
The deputy of the Pd Stefania pezzopane:
“We are all tired of the prestigious games of Marsilio and Biondi. Not even in this terrible moment, in which they are forced to ask for the red zone after the triumphalism of “Everything ok!” of the last days they manage to make serious people. Refreshments for the red areas are already provided for by Dpcm and various decrees, including the RistoriBis Decree. So the mayor’s request does not need instrumental conditions. The government has already thought about establishing support. That “only as long as refreshments are provided” in the mayor’s statement, does not make sense. Even in the face of the drama of the situation, we continue with games and traps.