All 3 regions toward (soft) block. How will the new “lock”


Now we are, the government’s line seems clear: despite the fact that the Presidents of the Regions called for unitary measures for the whole country during the meeting on Sunday, the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has chosen to proceed with specific interventions for the territory according to the level of spread of the virus.

For this reason, therefore, Calabria, Piedmont, Lombardy (and probably Alto Adige and Val d’Aosta) may have to endure a new emergency shutdown, although lighter than last spring. However, CTS experts would also focus on other areas of Italy. Puglia, Liguria and Campania, for example, would have been placed in the so-called “orange zone”, according to reports “Repubblica”, while the other regions will have to undergo more generalized measures.

For all “red areas”, distance education starting in the seventh grade. A measure that could later also be applied to the rest of Italy depending on the trend in the number of infections. In addition, a total blockade of all economic activities considered not essential by the government, including beauty centers and hairdressers: that only those stores of essential utility remain open, as had been established months ago. Even the industrial activities, which should move forward, as its closure would further damage the economy of the blockade areas. Regarding travel, apparently most have not yet found common ground on this issue, with Health Minister Roberto Speranza pushing for a new self-certification and the Prime Minister more inclined to leave citizens the freedom to move without having to to give justifications. . This is what is expected for areas ending in “red area”. The measures taken against the Regions that ended in orange are less burdensome.

For the latter, the closure of all locals, with the only possibility of home delivery. Therefore, bars and restaurants will not be able to welcome customers 24 hours a day. While all those services dedicated to the person, such as hairdressers, esthetics, etc., should be able to continue working, even if there are still controversies on the subject. As for the rest, the measures will be less rigid: distance education for institutes, museum closures and a curfew from 9:00 p.m.

Greater freedoms will be granted to the rest of the country, where generalized measures will be applied until further notice. In the lucky areas of lower risk, malls they will be closed “only” on weekends and the curfew will be set at 21:00. After this time, no one will be able to leave home, except for health or work reasons. Distance learning is foreseen for secondary schools and a limitation for public transport, which can only be covered to 50% of its capacity.

Now we can only wait for the nth Dpcm of Prime Minister Conte to find out if all these measures will really be applied or if changes will be made. The new provision of the president of the Council of Ministers is scheduled for the next few hours.
