Alan Kurdi goes to Marseille. But Paris wants to send it back to us


Of course “mandatory solidarity between the Member States”. Of course “relief of migratory pressure on coastal countries”. All the good intentions to overcome the Dublin system, advanced today by the European Commission in the new Migration and Asylum Pact, were to blame as soon as the first ship loaded with immigrants Italy rejected him and left for the port of Marseille. “For two years we have always been together with Italy in the solidarity mechanism for the management of landings. For this reason, we ask them to respond favorably to the NGO’s request to dock in the nearest safe harbor ”.said the French Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner, demonstrating, instead of the much announced but little practiced solidarity, the firm intention to unload the problem in Rome.

The ship in question is (for a change) from the German NGO Alan Kurdi Sea eye. It departed on September 11 from the port of Burriana, where the Iberian authorities have “confirmed” what has already been stated by the flag state, Germany, that the certifications and equipment are regular, the ship has loaded 130 illegal immigrants in a week beyond and they went to our country to unload them in the port of Lampedusa. “These people are particularly vulnerable”, wrote on social networks launching the sos to the Italian authorities who, in those hours, had to manage at least 26 landings illegal immigrants. The men of the Coast Guard and the Guardia di Finanza participated tirelessly in rescue operations, whilehotspot Lampedusa, which had just been emptied, had exceeded a thousand presences with a capacity of 192 seats.

Although the Alan Kurdi We were in the Sar of Malta, the request for a safe harbor was immediately directed to Rome, with the certainty of finding once again the doors open without problems. Italy, however, had not given the green light to enter the port of Lampedusa but, after rescuing two women, a man, five children, the youngest of whom is only five months old, they had contacted the center. of the German control in Bremen to “redirect” the request to Germany. There has never been a response from the German transport and foreign ministries. So today Jan Ribbeck, Operations Commander and Sea Eye Council Member, decided to set sail for Marseille, the usual port of use for refueling. The city’s acting mayor, Benoit Payan, immediately said he was ready to welcome the 125 immigrants on board. “We will not let the castaways die in the Mediterranean – he wrote on Twitter – it is about our history, our tradition, our values”.

The solidarity of Marseille must not have liked Paris at all. In the evening, the French Interior Ministry immediately asked Rome to welcome the German aid ship. “For two years we have always been together with Italy in the mechanism of solidarity for the management of landings – he stressed – that is why we ask you to respond favorably to the request of the NGO to dock in the nearest safe port “. Castaner did not explain why the process cannot happen in reverse. And that is to say, disembark the 125 illegal immigrants in France and then relocate those who have the right to them in other European countries and leave the task of repatriating to Paris those who cannot have refugee status for once. Nor did he explain why, in the European imagination, Italy should always be the first landing place for ships leaving North Africa, with all the problems that this entails. Yet precisely today, the European Commission boasted that it had laid the foundations for a new pact between member states that they say will introduce greater solidarity within the EU.European Union. Ursula Von der Leyen enthusiastically presented the plan calling it a “new beginning” that will make it possible to reconcile divergent and legitimate interests, finding a balance between “responsibility and solidarity”. “It is an important step”Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte also echoed, reiterating the need to “certainty about repatriation and redistribution”. If the “new beginning” is another fight between Paris and Rome, it is certain that the problems we had with bankruptcy Dublin Treaty we will never be able to overcome them.
