
“Air exchange is very important: where there is air exchange there is less chance of spreading the SarsCov2 infection. It is absolutely important not to let the air stagnate ”. Remember the epidemiologist Gianni Rezza at the press conference on the analysis of the epidemiological situation
And, although referring to private homes, Gaetano Settimo, from the Department of Environment and Health of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, spoke on the same topic, stating that “in domestic environments we pay little attention to air changes and this can represent a critical element for the spread of sarsCov2 viral particles“.
In short, it is clear that air exchange is essential to reduce the risk of contagion.
Several studies claim that tiny droplets (sprays) from sneezing or coughing can be a cause of Covid infection. “Critical places are closed spaces with small dimensions and limited ventilation, especially with a long residence time.This is what Giorgio Buonanno, Senior Lecturer in Environmental Technical Physics at the University of Cassino and the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane (Australia) revealed. Classrooms are also closed places with a high risk of transmission.
Aspect on which several analyzes by Lettera150 were based, the think tank that brings together more than 250 experts from different disciplines, born during the confinement to propose solutions for a safe exit from the epidemic and for the reconstruction of the country. “The installation of ventilation systems capable of guaranteeing air exchange and controlling the humidity level could have allowed the schools to reopen safely, but it is regrettable that nine months after the first wave of Covid-19, the government is in schools about to reopen on January 7 with face-to-face lessons without doing anything about ventilation”, Highlights the coordinator Giuseppe Valditara.
The problem of ventilation in school buildings has been raised several times and in many places. According to the NPC “we are in free interpretations”. “Between Covid or cold – Giannelli pointed out a few weeks ago -, better the lesser evil, that is, to be in class with a coatIn this sense, the Ministry of Education intervened with a Faq, providing specific indications for the school sector, including periodic cleaning of furniture and equipment, use of masks, constant ventilation of the premises and hygiene of hands of students and staff in progress of the activity day, and precisely the possibility of bringing coats to class.
But open windows are known to cause colds and flu in cold winter temperatures, a condition that prevents teachers, Ata and students from going to school due to Covid-compatible symptoms. “Every winter, the flu fills hospitals, there is a risk of massacre with the third wave of Covid“, Affirmed Nino Cartabellotta, president of the Gimbe Foundation, in an interview with La Stampa. For the virologist Andrea Crisanti a third wave “is a certainty in this situation, no need for predictions“, And adds”Christmas, with closed schools and slow-moving factories, must be used to reduce infections”.
Meanwhile, secondary schools are preparing to return on January 7, if the epidemiological situation allows. Here the indications of the last document prepared by Inail with the ISS.