
Agrigento, September 4, 2020 – UN migrant escaped from the Sicilian reception center in Villa Sikania is hit by a car and dies. Tragic accident at night at the entrance to the town of Siculania, in the Agrigento area, where a migrant fleeing the reception center was hit by a car and died. The murdered man is a 20-year-old Eritrean who arrived in Villa Sikania on August 1. They were left in the fatal accident injured also three policemen who were trying to block the Eritreans. The policemen were transferred to the San Giovanni di Dio hospital in Agrigento; for two of them, the prognosis speaks of various injuries and bruises, while the third will have to be operated on for a serious fracture. Arrested the driver of the car that hit the migrant and the three agents, a 34-year-old man, are charged with homicide on the road.
The attempt to escape of Villa Sikania from a group of migrants occurred overnight, along state highway 115. Nel group of migrants there was also the murdered Eritrean. The group, about twenty people, after the protests that took place on Thursday, managed to escape from the reception center. The migrants, after climbing on the roof, managed to reach the road. To pursue fugitive migrants, the policemen who were guarding Villa Sikania. However, a car, a Volkswagen Touareg, swooped down on fleeing migrants and policemen and overwhelmed them. For the Eritrean there was nothing to do. The police (also the Agrigento police commissioner) and the carabinieri worked on the ground throughout the night and carried out the reliefs to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident. At dawn the driver was stopped and apparently did not stop immediately after the impact.
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