This is what was decided yesterday during the technical coordination table of the forces of order to counteract potential gatherings that, like last weekend more in the lower city than in the upper city, could be registered in the center, but not only , Saturday and Sunday.
The local police will limit the entrances: Commander Gabriella Messina has in fact established a service with 8 fixed agents, both on Saturday and Sunday afternoon, located in via XX Settembre, at the entrances of piazza Matteotti and piazza Pontida and the streets lateral.
It will be up to them to monitor, obviously by eye, the possible presence of an excessive number of people and, if necessary, to block the entry of additional citizens for limited periods of time. Instead, the idea of a one-way street is excluded.
La Corsarola and the rest of the shopping streets are also very attentive, where all the police will be present, as established during the meeting of the Public Order and Security Commission chaired by the prefect Enrico Ricci and then organized in detail at the police station .
“We will be rigorous in the control – the prefect emphasizes -, but we trust in the sense of responsibility of all”. The decisions were made based on the Dpcm of December 3, pending the new government decree for the Christmas holidays (which, however, should not affect this weekend).
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