After the pardon, the politician thanks. Giani pays tribute to the Virgin – Politics


It would be too easy to say that this left no longer knows which saint to turn to. But now that the Democratic Party has grown to a perhaps unexpected draw in the regional elections, even kneeling in front of the crucifix becomes an acceptable gesture in politics so liquid that it loses cornerstones and acquires new values. The “Vote for me” flyer in one pocket, the sacred card of the Virgin in the other. The Italy of the bell towers is always there, perhaps less that of Peppone and Don Camillo. And then there is nothing strange if the new president of the Tuscany Region, …

It would be too easy to say that this left no longer knows which saint to turn to. But now that the P.S grew for a perhaps unexpected draw in regional elections even kneeling before the crucifix becomes an acceptable gesture in a politics so liquid that it loses its cornerstones and acquires new values. The “Vote for me” flyer in one pocket, the sacred card of the Virgin in the other. The Italy of the bell towers is always there, perhaps less that of Peppone and Don Camillo. And then there is nothing strange if the new president of the Tuscany region, Eugenio Giani, former socialist, now PD, as the first gesture of his mandate he gets into the car and the day after the victory over Susanna Ceccardi of center-right, he arrives at sanctuary of Montenero in Livorno. Promise kept. It is not a vow, but something very close and intimate.

He is not the first non-Catholic politician in the area to choose to honor and pray there. Virgin towering over the city and looking out to sea. Giovanni spadoliniA secular symbol of the First Republic, he often accompanied his mother Lionella there or spent Sundays in the monasteries with his trusted collaborator Cosimo Ceccuti during his institutional mandates. For him they were meditation and culture. More recently, the Governor of Naples Antonio Bassolino I was very dedicated to San Gennaro me Romano Prodi, an emblem of the olive tree that many miss, has been raised to the Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca in Bologna. He did so as Speaker of the House as well Pier Ferdinando Casini who remembered the “dear Virgin of San Luca“in his inauguration speech before Parliament. And how can we forget the devotion of the prime minister Giuseppe Conte by Padre Pio (“I always carry a picture of him with me”).

Yesterday morning the monks of Montenero were excited by so much political attention: it had never happened that the Tuscan president as the first step climbed there. The advice to Eugenio Giani was in the wake of the Catholic tradition: “Eugenio Terzo Papa, a Pisan Cistercian, one day wrote to San Bernardo Chiaravalle and said ‘Now that I am a Pontiff and I have to govern, what criteria should I use to elect my collaborators? ‘ And Saint Bernard replied, “Use this rule: if it is prudent, pray for us, if it is wise, teach yourself, if it is prudent, govern us. Words of the prior Don Luca Giustarini and of Abbot Lorenzo Russo.

“I chose to come here – Giani explained to the monks – for a religious sense, because the Virgin of Montenero she is the patron saint of Tuscany and from a secular aspect: here is the Gallery of Tuscan Municipalities “. Giani lit a thank you candle to the Madonna dei miracoli (many votive offerings hanging) and received the blessing.” I come to Montenero every year. It’s a magic place. I needed to breathe this air right away. “
