After so many promises, we lack doctors. Half of new hires don’t care about Covid


Follow-up was skipped almost everywhere, hospitals under stress but mostly original sin after years and years of staff cuts: too few staff. Because the truth is that you can also create an intensive care unit or a lung room from scratch, but if you don’t have doctors and nurses to handle it, it is useless. The government has given the green light to 36,000 hires, but the serious thing is that – according to a study by Altems, the secondary school of economics and health systems management of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome – “approximately half of the 4,116 doctors hired indefinitely by the ASL, it is not destined for the Covid pavilions. “” The regions that are not in the return plan – observes Professor Americo Cicchetti, director of Altemps – have dedicated only 48% of. ..

Tracking was skipped almost everywhere, hospitals under stress but above all original sin after years and years of organic cuts: too much not very personal. Because the truth is that you can also create a intensive care unit or pulmonology out of nowhere, but if you don’t have doctors and nurses to handle it, it’s useless. The government has given the green light to 36,000 hires, but the serious thing is that, according to a study by Altems, the secondary school of economics and management of health systems ofCatholic University of the Sacred Heart of Rome – “Roughly half of the 4,116 doctors hired indefinitely by ASL are not assigned to Covid departments.” “The regions that are not in the return plan – observes the professor Americo Cicchetti, Director of Altemps – dedicated only 48% of new positions to medical specializations related toCovid-19 emergency (ie anesthesia and resuscitation; respiratory diseases; infectious diseases; emergency medicine; internal medicine; microbiology and virology; public health) and the remaining 52% to other specialties. On the contrary, the Regions of the return plan took the opportunity to reinforce the personnel not directly linked to the Covid-19 emergency, reduced by the billing block, to a greater extent (56%) than that linked to the emergency ”.

In Lombardy compared to 32 doctors hired with a call that refers to Covid, 538 are not. In Piedmont we are in 1 against 188, in Veneto 21 against 438, in Emilia romagna zero against 76, in Tuscany zero to 60, in Campania zero against 324. Better the Lazio (210 Covid versus 152 non-Covid), Sicily (469 versus 248), excellent instead Sardinia (267 to 17). But there is more. “For key professionals in this epidemic such as anesthetists and rescuers – observes Professor Cicchetti – the increase is of the order of 600 units, therefore, about 5% more than before. But that is not enough. Due to the increase in places in the ICU, before the health emergency the ratio between anesthesiologists and rescuers and beds was 2.5, that is, each bed had 2.5 staff units, and now the ratio drops to 1.9, with marked regional differences. “Despite the assumptions, the coverage is getting shorter.

According to Ministry of Health – data at the end of October – i new hires were 36,335. Of these, 7,650 are doctors, 16,570 nurses, 7,730 health social workers and 4,385 other professional figures such as technicians and social workers. A part of the doctors and all the nurses, social workers and technicians have been hired with timed contacts for up to a year or so, although many will stabilize in 2021. To these figures must be added the 9,600 nurses provided for by the relaunch decree. , but of which, for now, no more than 10% are in service. Are the nurses enough, at least? “According to the places created for the Covid emergency, observe Barbara Mangiacavalli of the president of National Federation of Nurses, Fnopi – just for this, around 17,000 nurses would be needed from scratch. Given the hires, it may seem like we’re there. But over the years, the lock on turnover and spending cuts have lost 10,000 nurses along the way. In hospitals there would be around 11,000 plus the 9,600 community nurses who should be activated immediately. ”And not only that, because many, many front-line doctors and nurses fall ill (and sometimes sadly die) from Covid 19, or simply from quarantine, therefore, they cannot work.In the last month alone, Fnopi told Fnopi, 7,800 nurses ended up in quarantine, an enormity that opens more chasms in the staff of the wards.

It is from the combination of these factors that in many of our hospitals, whose heart and driving force are the men and women who work there and not only the machines or beds available, they are today in great difficulties.
