After Christo Lorenzo Quinn will also reach his “hands” to the lake – Video


After the Christo catwalk, another work will “float” on Lake Iseo, again on the Brescia side: Lorenzo Quinn’s famous “hands” will rise from the waters of the Sebino, in front of the ancient Palafitte de Sulzano, holding a balloon Earth in which the oceans and continents will be represented, each of them characterized by lush vegetation.

It is not known when the work will be completed, certainly not in 2021 they explain from Sulzano, but the path has begun:

It was directly the artist -son of the famous Hollywood actor Antony- who published a video on his Facebook page with the interpretation of the installation, accompanied by a few simple words: “A project for Lake Iseo, Italy.”

The announcement immediately aroused great interest; The video of Sunday afternoon had already been seen by more than 140 thousand people and reactions were registered around the world: among the comments to the post, even some fans of Quinn who lives in Australia and who hopes to come in person to the lake . ‘Iseo to admire the work, that is, when the installation is finished and when the pandemic will be eradicated, being able to fly and travel freely.

“This is precisely the deepest meaning of the initiative – explains Ida Bottanelli, deputy mayor of the country from where Christo’s footbridge began five years ago to reach Monte Isola – for us in Sulzano and in general for the lake community after the Tough 2020 Quinn’s decision to focus on Sebino is first and foremost a sign of hope and renewed enthusiasm for the future. We need to open our gaze to wide horizons, we need to breathe again an air of great and stimulating challenges, we need to move and meet again. If all of this is possible, Quinn’s hands will be there to celebrate a return to a coveted normalcy. ”
