For the United Nations, hemp it’s no longer amazing. After half a century, with just one vote, the UN has decided to eliminate cannabis from “Table IV”, the most restrictive, which includes substances such as heroin and cocaine. The UN has recognized the therapeutic value of cannabis for which, as the World Health Organization itself emphasizes, there is now ample scientific evidence. The vote on this point ended with 27 votes in favor, 1 abstention and 25 votes against. L ‘European Union, including Italy, voted in favor with the sole exception of Hungary. The decision should facilitate the legalization of medicinal cannabis whose benefits have been documented for diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic pain, and cancer. Experts say the vote will not have an immediate impact on the relaxation of international controls, because governments will continue to have jurisdiction over how to classify cannabis. Many countries, however, view global conventions as a guide, and UN recognition is one symbolic victory for advocates of drug policy change.
“Today’s decision removes the obstacles to international control, imposed since 1961 by the Single Convention on Narcotic Substances, to the production of cannabis for medical-scientific purposes,” he declared. Marco Perduca, which for the Association Luca coscioni, active internationally to protect the right to science and health, coordinates the “Legalize!” campaign. “A very important international political step that will have to lead to the complete elimination of medical cannabis at the international level and to delink the regulation of cannabis for recreational use from that of other substances. Italy takes the indication of the UN and definitively lift prohibitionist and vexatious restrictions that still prevent thousands of patients from consuming and cultivating cannabis for therapeutic purposes “, writes the secretary of Più Europa on Facebook, Benedetto Della Vedova.
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