Editorial Board
03 November 2020 16:47
In the “yellow” regions – and no longer green – the school will be present until the eighth grade; for the curfew, the knot remains open: discussions are held at 9 or 10 pm; There is the hypothesis of stopping the movements between municipalities also in the yellow regions: these are the advances in the new Dpcm that should see the light today, Tuesday, November 3, after the meeting between the government and the regions and the data of the CTS on the differentiated infection curve between region and region.
Advances in the new Dpcm
The AdnKronos news agency writes that according to the assumptions of the last hours it will only be possible to move between ‘green’ regions, that is, those where epidemiological data is still under control. Entry and exit ban, on the other hand, between Regions in the ‘yellow’ (and no longer orange) and ‘red’ areas. According to the agency, this is the hypothesis on which the government is working, which emerged after the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces. The debate on the curfew that will be adopted throughout the national territory to curb Covid-19 infections still remains on the government table. The knot was not undone with the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation of the majority forces, the hypotheses on the table remain essentially two: whether to allow circulation only for reasons of work, health and other emergencies to the 21 or 22. The text of the Dpcm that will be discussed with the Regions at 5 pm. The majority would have reached an agreement on the rest of the national measures, from the closure of the shopping centers on weekends to the stop in museums and exhibitions, to the mobility limitations to and from the Red Band Regions. The prime minister will have the last word on the curfew: the time of the “dance” between 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm throughout Italy.
Red, orange and green zone: how Italy will divide in the “soft” lockdown
What regions are at risk of total lockdown? Those that risk having to adopt the most restrictive measures, including the generalized closure, are Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria, which have a contagion index Rt higher than 1.5 (in fact it is also above 2) and an uncontrolled transmission of coronavirus and Covid-19. For them they are in preparation from the local confinements at the provincial level for at least 3 weeks until the limitation of individual mobility until the closure of the entire Region except essential activities. The province of Bolzano has already been autonomously placed in this range: after leaving bars and restaurants open in opposition to the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24, it has now announced a 3-week closure. Illustrating the content of the new Dpcm, Repubblica has prepared this morning a graph that divides Italy into a red zone, an orange zone and a green zone. In the red zone, only industries and schools will be open until sixth grade and the restrictive measures will be:
- Distance learning from second grade on;
- Stop in non-essential economic activities;
- Opening of industrial activities;
- Self-certified transfers.
In the orange zone there will be a lockout for bars and restaurants. The new rules will be:
- The place remains closed;
- Salvi hairdressers and beauty centers;
- Distance education for high school;
- Stop at museums and curfew at 9:00 p.m.
In the green zone, on the other hand, there will be less shopping on weekends, museums closed, more empty transport:
- Shopping centers are closed on weekends;
- Everyone in the house since the 21st;
- Distance education for high school;
- Local public transport was cut in half
Because with the new Dpcm, dinners with friends and family could (in fact) be banned
The evening curfew at the new Dpcm
Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of the Interior Matteo Mauri on Rai Radio1 in ‘Che Giorno è’ explained the schedule of the new Dpcm: “This afternoon, after the data that will be released by the CTS in the curve, also differentiated from region to region, there will be the signature because Immediately afterwards, the differentiation mechanism will come into force in the territory with the three bands, from the most worrying to the least worrying, within which a series of mandatory actions that are even narrower than substantially the movement of people. Measures that are in force throughout the national territory. The attempt to increase the level of control of the curve everywhere but differentiate it from reality to reality. Precisely to influence the economic aspect that is absolutely present for the government and one of the important aspects of which we must take into account “.
On the evening curfew, Mauri said that “it is still being evaluated. The most likely hypothesis is that of 9:00 p.m., but also according to the relationship with the regions, today there is still another meeting that we want to evaluate together precisely in a logical to share options. It is necessary to involve everyone both from the institutional point of view, that is, the common regions and the state and government on the other in political terms. Yesterday in the Chamber there was an important step from the symbolic point of view, it is say the sharing of some points proposed by the center-right within the resolution. I believe and hope that it can be a way of working from now on because I believe that unity, regardless of the political differences that exist, should be a characteristic of guiding the State in this difficult phase for everyone, starting with the citizens and the most difficult categories ”.
Coronavirus, today’s newsletter Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Coronavirus, the latest news
the new Dpcm to be signed in the afternoon after the data released by the CTS on the contagion curve, differentiated from region to region. the new decree It would include some measures at the national level, namely: curfew starting at 9:00 pm; the closure of shopping centers on weekends; the closure of betting and bingo rooms; the closure of museums, gyms; the closure of restaurants and bars from 6:00 p.m., the prescription of distance education for secondary schools. According to other rumors, the ‘red’ regions, those where the closure will take place, will keep schools open, with face-to-face teaching up to sixth grade. Dad for second and eighth grade, as well as for high school. Stop at museums and theaters, shopping centers closed on weekends – with the exception of essential services such as pharmacies and kiosks – and slot machines prohibited in tobacconists. According to Adnkronos, the meeting between Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the heads of delegation confirmed that these closures will be adopted at the national level, therefore also in the ‘green’ areas of the countries.
At red zones instead, the total closure of bars and restaurants should be foreseen, as well as the extension of distance education also to 2nd and 3rd grade; the closure of hairdressers and beauty centers. At orange (or yellow) areas hair salons and beauty centers would remain open, but bars and restaurants would remain open. At green areas there would be no other requirements.
Red, orange and green zone: how Italy will divide in the “soft” lockdown
Initially scheduled for 3:30 pm, then forwarded at 5:00 pm. A new meeting is planned between the Government, Regions, representatives of Municipalities and Provinces, in the presence of the emergency commissioner for coronavirus Arcuri to fine-tune the latest measures including limitations on regional trips to and from the red areas. To travel between regions with a high infection rate, there must be self-declarations, the same that must be used within the individual municipal or regional realities for those who will have to move beyond the evening and night closing hours.
Rapid tests or swabs? Circular Ministry of Health clarifies
Change strategy tests: the document “Laboratory tests for SARS-CoV-2 and its use in public health”, prepared by the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health specifies that the molecular buffer it will be mandatory for a suspected case with symptoms or for asymptomatic persons who have a scheduled hospitalization or RSA. the rapid antigen test it will be the first option in the case of those who present few symptoms and have not had positive contact. Whereas when there are no symptoms “the tests should be limited to close contacts of a confirmed case” and should not also be prescribed “to contacts of contacts”.
The document also specifies that it is not recommended to prescribe diagnostic tests in confirmed cases of close contacts; If requested independently, the subjects should not be considered suspects or be subjected to any quarantine measure or reported to the Prevention Department, except for positive ones that must always be reported.
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