Administrative live: center-right wins in Venice (Brugnaro re-elected), leading to Arezzo and Matera. Center left confirmed in Mantua and Trento


In Trento the center-left wins with Franco Ianeselli

With 54.1% of the votes, Franco Ianeselli, a former union member of the CGIL, was elected mayor of Trento in the first round. The center-left, therefore, remains in charge of the capital of the autonomous province -administered by the League since October 2018-. The outgoing mayor, Alessandro Andreatta (Pd) leaves after 25 years in the Municipality, first as a councilor and then as mayor, 42-year-old Ianeselli, supported in civic lists, by the Democratic Party (which reached 17.8%, in line with that given by the provincials of two years ago, 18.84%, far from the 29.56% of the previous municipalities), by the autonomists of the Patt and + Europa Verde. The data is still partial, even if it refers to 87 analyzed sections out of 98, so the image appears to be sharp. The main opponent, Andrea Merler, 37, a long-time lawyer and councilor, launched herself just two months before the elections to try to rebuild the center-right disunited by the election of Alessandro Baracetti, then retired, stopped at 30, 6%. La Liga appears to be the most voted party in the coalition with 14% of the votes.
