
Ongoing tests for municipal elections in 958 centers, including 15 provincial capitals (in this link the results in real time) and for the regional regions of Valle d’Aosta. In Venice, the center-right wins and confirms the outgoing mayor Luigi Brugnaro in the first round with more than 57 percent of the vote. Pierpaolo Baretta, from the center left, remains at 28%. Duel on the last card in Reggio Calabria between the first outgoing citizen Giuseppe Falcomatà (center left) and the center-right candidate Nico Minicuci, with the former ahead by a point. Voting in sight. Angela Marcianò (tricolor flame) is at 13.1%.

In Mantua the center-left wins, Mattia Palazzi reaffirms with more than 70 percent. In Trento, Franco Ianeselli (center-left) could win in the first round: he is 53% with Andrea Merler of the center-right at 32.3%.
In Chieti, center right forward with Fabrizio Di Stefano at 36%; Bruno di Iorio (civic) at 24.8% Diego Ferrara (center left) at 19%. In Arezzo Alessandro Ghinelli, from the center-right, is ahead with 50.4% and can win in the first round. The center-left candidate for mayor Luciano Ralli is 31.7%.
In Lecco Giuseppe Ciresa from the center-right points to victory in the first round: he is at 48.8 against Mauro Gattinoni from the center-left at 40.5. In Bolzano face to face between Renzo Caramasch and Roberto Zanin.
We move towards the vote in Matera: Rocco Sassone from the center-right is at 31.6%, Domenico Bennardi from the M5 at 26.2%, Giovanni Schiuma (center-left) at 18.6%.
In Valle d’Aosta La Lega is the first party with 24% of the votes. They are followed by Union valdotaine (15.6%), Progressives (15%) and Alliance valdotaine (8.5%).