Luca Rallo, 52, was returning home when he lost control of the vehicle by crashing into a post.
Mainland. Tragedy in via Asseggiano, between Mestre and Spinea. a man moving is dead after crashing into a post.
The tragedy occurred tonight, Saturday, May 9, shortly after midnight.
The driver Luca Rallo, 52 years old., a resident of Asseggiano, was walking along Via Asseggiano when, for reasons that must be clarified, he has Lost Control off his bike and off the road.
The race ended against a pole that was in the prices. The man ruins himself against you, then remains on the ground.
Immediate relief given by Suem 118.
But when the ambulance dispatched from the nearby Angel hospital arrived, medical personnel could not help but declare Luca Rallo dead.
The police carried out the surveys to reconstruct the dynamics of the accident, while the firefighters retraced the road. Firefighter rescue operations ended after a few hours.
Luca Rallo captain of the Actv, he was probably coming home. Mestrino graduated from the Sebastiamo Venier Nautical Institute and then entered Actv after a few years, where he had always worked in the navigation sector.
Separated, leave two daughters.
Great commotion between colleagues and neighbors who left many messages of condolence.