
We must act quickly because the Second wave of the coronavirus it’s already here, considering that the epidemic usually always has a three-week lead. For this Roberto Speranza has called one for tomorrow urgent meeting of the Scientific technical committee: the decision was made by the Minister of Health after a confrontation with Agostino Miozzo on the rise of the epidemiological curve and on the first problems of hospital beds. On the table of experts would also be the capacity of the system to test cases, but above all the line to follow to counteract the increase in infections that is rampant in almost all regions of Italy, now also in the Center-South compared to the first wave. spring.

This meeting is likely to be important in writing the next Dpcm, that should be signed October 15. According to the indiscretions of the Corriere della Sera, should be expected restrictions for bars and clubs (prohibition of being outside) to avoid meetings and the possibility of implementing gods temporary local closures. Attention must also focus on private parts, smart work and public transportation, which remain crowded despite the 80 percent capacity limit. In the Ministry of Health and in the CTS there is an awareness of having to act immediately: “We have a small advantage over other countries – Speranza said before calling the emergency meeting – but we must not be under any illusions and if we are quick to understand that there is a phase change we can avoid more drastic measures ”.